list of classical problems

3871    GCD Extreme GCDEX 2578 29.40
3872    Party At School VPARTY 49 24.38
3876    Tablica TABLIC 205 59.13
3877    Cvjetici CVJETICI 972 48.61
3878    Rectangles Perimeter MMAXPER 2689 49.81
3881    Majstor MAJSTOR 728 53.93
3882    Cijevi CIJEVI 257 37.59
3883    LATGACH3 M3TILE 3151 56.69
3884    When (You Believe) WHEN 23 8.98
3885    Coins Game MCOINS 5203 45.97
3889    Closest Number MCLONUM 191 30.03
3890    Rectangles Counting MRECTCNT 173 33.28
3893    Space settlement SPACESET 64 43.31
3894    Bouncing Balls BOBALLS 27 37.74
3895    Matrix Game MTRGAME 25 31.71
3896    Maximal Independent Set MAXISET 58 25.20
3897    Convex Polygons CVXPOLY 119 30.29
3898    Even Palindrome PALDR 247 10.24
3899    Finding Fractions FINFRAC 166 29.25
3900    MinCut Query MCQUERY 77 28.78
3901    Black and White Nim BNWNIM 55 44.50
3902    Fight with functions FWFUNC 20 6.55
3909    CALCULATE POW(2004,X) MOD 29 MMOD29 271 56.41
3912    Color a tree MTREECOL 195 25.47
3915    Star Polygon or Not MPOLSTAR 38 55.06
3926    Manhattan Wire MMAHWIRE 81 14.32
3927    Polygon on the Grid MPOLGRID 22 36.62
3928    Counting Digits MDIGITS 1105 44.40
3929    Different Digits MDIGITS1 71 22.48
3930    Group Partition MPART 68 29.80
3931    Maximum Triangle Area MTRIAREA 281 29.22
3932    Point Connection Game in a Circle MCIRGAME 746 35.36
3933    Minimum Permutation MMINPER 182 38.17
3934    Recaman’s Sequence MRECAMAN 3527 53.90
3935    SHIFT Operator on Matrix MMATRIX 187 42.04
3936    Repair City Hall MCITYHAL 241 50.00
3937    Wooden Sticks MSTICK 674 36.88
3940    Sum of Primes MPRIME1 223 62.58
3941    Kth Shortest Path MKTHPATH 26 29.38
3942    Cleaning Robot MCLEAN 30 66.15
3943    Nested Dolls MDOLLS 1221 23.66
3946    K-th Number MKTHNUM 5169 34.50
3953    Paid Roads MMINPAID 249 26.75
3961    Journey with Pigs MJOURNEY 129 42.90
3962    ELEVATOR II MELE2 99 42.96
3964    Investment Money MINVEST 617 25.57
3965    Minimax Triangulation MMINMAX 58 34.60
3969    M&M Game MMMGAME 1288 42.09
3972    Stargates STARGATE 45 13.29
3973    0 0 Pairs M00PAIR 800 27.29
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