list of classical problems

8283    Non-Decreasing Numbers NONDEC 26 25.17
8284    Weighted Sum WEIGHT 508 17.80
8285    Rectangles in a Matrix RECTMAT 7 23.21
8286    Perfect Matching MATCH 90 18.98
8288    Fast Food Restaurant FASTFOOD 102 29.59
8316    Win gold medal WINGOLD 55 27.37
8317    Red Balls SIGNGAME 43 44.84
8318    color the balls PLAYSIGN 66 45.93
8319    GLJIVE GLJIVE 4386 35.16
8320    Spreadsheet scrolling SCROLL 75 32.63
8321    Chocolate distribution CHOCDIST 115 24.51
8323    Triangle equality TRIEQUAL 58 43.85
8324    Military patrol MILPATR 54 30.20
8325    Partitioning the plane PARTPLNE 37 39.49
8326    Leaky containers LEAKCONT 31 41.84
8327    Progressive progressions PROGPROG 53 66.10
8328    Move the books MOVEBOOK 27 33.33
8329    Road trip ROADTRIP 76 39.85
8330    Giant fountain GNTFNTN 29 45.10
8331    Sister cities SSTRCITS 36 52.75
8332    Ski slopes SKISLOPE 24 21.90
8333    Place-name game PLCNMGME 69 37.88
8334    Enumeration of rationals ENUMRTNL 85 17.06
8335    Counting the teams CNTTEAMS 23 45.61
8349    BRODOVI BRODOVI 607 43.97
8351    KOSARK MIDO 841 42.62
8363    COSTLY CHESS CCHESS 1494 43.76
8372    Triple Sums TSUM 342 26.07
8374    PARKET PARKET1 1837 56.12
8391    The Ball BALL 120 10.21
8392    Youtube YOUTUBE 226 22.62
8398    Quadratic Equation QUADRATE 600 28.86
8406    Temple Queues TEMPLEQ 288 19.63
8407    Candies and Milestones CANDYSTN 474 21.68
8408    Min Max 01 Path MNMXPATH 102 29.08
8409    Favorite Sub Hair FAVSUBS 95 41.55
8410    Snaky Numbers SNAKYNUM 81 39.26
8418    Revenge of the squares SQUA_REV 85 36.99
8419    Traversing Grid BTCODE_A 332 24.34
8420    Finding Minimum BTCODE_B 71 37.12
8421    Fun With Inequalities BTCODE_C 140 38.05
8422    Maximum Profit BTCODE_D 916 52.97
8423    Recover Polynomials BTCODE_E 51 48.25
8424    Life Game BTCODE_F 154 52.91
8425    Coloring Trees BTCODE_G 320 30.30
8426    Trie Expectation BTCODE_H 165 63.71
8427    Permutation Game BTCODE_I 32 41.05
8428    Grid Tiling BTCODE_J 23 22.93
8429    Array Sorting BTCODE_K 62 16.26
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