list of classical problems

2878    Knights of the Round Table KNIGHTS 400 19.52
2879    The Cow Doctor DOCTOR 141 37.24
2880    Wild West WILD 99 42.47
2881    Find the Clones CLONE 2037 44.43
2882    The Warehouse WARE 24 28.46
2883    Widget Factory WIDGET 104 31.73
2884    Martian Mining MARTIAN 2272 47.79
2885    Word Rings WORDRING 338 14.60
2898    Party of Cloaked Killers PARTY2 29 21.15
2899    Volunteers VOL 55 46.91
2901    One Geometry Problem GEOPROB 1805 36.14
2902    Candy IV CANDY4 31 51.25
2903    Transportation TRANSP1 11 46.43
2905    Not a Triangle NOTATRI 4984 38.62
2906    GCD2 GCD2 6795 36.49
2916    Can you answer these queries V GSS5 2578 26.00
2939    Query on a tree V QTREE5 1751 27.86
2940    Untitled Problem II UNTITLE1 116 15.17
2944    Emmons SHOOTING 7 8.28
2946    Eclipse ECLIPSE 24 10.92
2961    Triomino Game TRIOMINO 236 28.36
2962    Painting Blocks (Act I) PAINTBLK 107 58.24
2963    Painting Blocks (Act II) PAINTBLC 55 20.19
3002    Electrophoretic ELECTRO 12 26.00
3003    Median Filter FILTER 20 47.58
3004    Life Game LIFEGAME 69 33.94
3005    Subdividing a Land LAND 24 37.80
3006    Connect Line Segments LINE 75 25.59
3007    Oil Company OILCOMP 178 25.08
3008    Finding the Top RPS Player RPS 177 68.42
3009    Revenge of Voronoi VORONOI 14 35.26
3010    Castle Wall WALL 25 22.13
3023    Binary multiplication MUL2COM 226 25.00
3033    Help the soldier SOLDIER 1242 29.02
3070    How many subsequences SEQ5 94 9.74
3078    Copying DNA COPYDNA 44 23.53
3105    Power Modulo Inverted MOD 993 26.02
3106    Dictionary Subsequences DICTSUB 162 18.20
3107    Odd Numbers of Divisors ODDDIV 1045 18.25
3108    Charlesbert and Merangelou GRAPHGAM 71 47.31
3109    Longest Common Prefix STRLCP 344 24.00
3110    Palindromic Number PALNUM 94 20.15
3111    Stabards STABARDS 160 43.10
3112    Strings STSTRING 264 30.68
3133    Here We Go(relians) Again GORELIAN 168 40.22
3166    Permutation Exponentiation PERMSG 33 14.85
3184    Game of Lines LINES 1300 27.74
3195    Doors and Penguins DOORSPEN 238 27.22
3196    Divisibility Relation DIVREL 284 20.96
3197    Tree Construction TREECST 62 20.00
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