list of classical problems

4082    BLAST MBLAST 1744 51.62
4083    Tele Broadcast MTELE 65 50.00
4097    Locomotive MTRAIN 34 44.30
4100    Sum of Vectors MVECTOR 101 32.12
4103    Extend to Palindrome EPALIN 2350 29.65
4110    Fast Maximum Flow FASTFLOW 2811 34.30
4141    Euler Totient Function ETF 11508 38.50
4142    Ellipse ELLIPSE 17 8.46
4154    IZBORI IZBORI 36 24.54
4155    OTOCI OTOCI 459 44.85
4156    PLAHTE PLAHTE 63 36.00
4157    Domino DOMINO2 54 50.42
4160    A1 Road MA1 86 50.46
4164    A conjecture of Paul ErdÅ‘s HS08PAUL 2130 44.49
4166    Four colors HS08FOUR 100 21.88
4168    Square-free integers SQFREE 624 43.97
4176    A Knightly Pursuit KPURSUIT 63 27.56
4177    Herding HERDING 2703 35.22
4179    Temptation Island TEMPTISL 648 44.85
4180    Pizza Location PIZZALOC 571 18.48
4181    MELE3 MELE3 610 42.62
4182    Candy (Again) FCANDY 226 18.48
4185    Cube CCCCUBE 52 35.93
4186    Break a New RSA system HS08CODE 137 35.76
4188    Amazing equality HS08EQ 38 13.58
4189    Landing LANDING 4 3.64
4191    Sky Code MSKYCODE 617 27.27
4194    Another Lucky Numbers MSE08G 137 33.56
4195    GCD Determinant MSE08H 263 45.60
4197    Dominoes DOMINOES 120 22.98
4198    Lego LEGO 175 25.25
4200    Hamster flight HAMSTER1 1150 45.40
4201    Coder Ratings RATING 1386 35.98
4202    Brackets Parade BRPAR 232 44.26
4203    Double Queue MSE07B 76 43.72
4204    Showstopper MSE07E 83 21.90
4206    Fast Maximum Matching MATCHING 1957 29.21
4210    Fast Maximum Matching FMATCH 10 41.94
4211    Fast Maximum Flow FFLOW 16 22.22
4212    Another Longest Increasing Subsequence Problem LIS2VN 11 48.15
4225    Payment System MSE06E 30 66.67
4226    Japan MSE06H 1746 23.28
4227    "Shortest" pair of paths MSE06I 205 39.46
4235    Wandering Queen QUEEN 839 15.13
4259    Pilots MPILOT 1624 31.90
4273    Train TimeTable TTTABLE 422 33.97
4278    Battlefield FIELD 5 45.83
4300    Rectangles AE00 26687 49.90
4302    (K,N)-Knight AE2B 310 24.71
4303    Dice AE2A 924 15.73
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