list of classical problems

27377    Bono v3 BLBONO 62 20.85
27378    Legend of Heta BLHETA 62 18.33
27379    Unique Code BLUNIQ 123 19.33
27380    Painting Hat BLCONE 252 47.38
27381    Emoticon BLKEK 799 49.95
27429    Changu Mangu in a Football Team VECTAR13 80 20.00
27433    Divisible Fibonacci Numbers DIVFIBS2 28 29.15
27450    Changu with subsequences VECTAR14 29 37.39
27483    Counting Words REDRONESIA 43 48.28
27484    Zeros in Fibonacci period Z124 12 40.55
27487    Police Men POLICEMEN 259 42.95
27491    Bidding Game BIDGAME 5 33.33
27493    Even Frequency EVENFRQ 70 29.55
27494    Happiness HAPPINESS 5 18.64
27496    Again Eid Salami EIDSALAMI2 126 45.54
27497    Binary Protean Number BINPRNUM 141 45.52
27498    Votka and String VOTAS 76 32.19
27519    Zeros of the fundamental Fibonacci period Z124H 8 36.08
27520    Laser LAS 38 20.37
27521    Domino's effect DOM 13 41.18
27561    Greatest Common Divisor Of Three Integers GDCOFTI 1647 39.03
27683    Inquire UFPR14D 744 54.46
27942    Product it again PROD1GCD 120 30.86
28009    Balance the parentheses BALANCE1PARA 17 20.59
28079    Maximum Child Sum MAXCHILDSUM 96 22.67
28163    OR EXPOR 126 21.60
28164    Cats Invitation CATINV 77 27.99
28179    Appending String GOC11A 249 44.35
28180    Sanvi Hates Palindrome GOC11B 58 34.15
28265    Ada and Rain ADARAIN 396 54.69
28286    Archery Training BLMIRINA 177 32.99
28287    Mayonnaise Arrow BLMIRANA 31 10.18
28288    Super Amoeba BLAMOEBA 195 37.13
28302    Ada and Plus ADAPLUS 153 44.71
28303    Ada and Plants ADAPLANT 306 33.10
28304    Ada and Teams ADATEAMS 739 38.19
28305    Ada and Indexing ADAINDEX 1853 40.66
28306    Ada and Queue ADAQUEUE 2289 25.66
28307    Ada and Game ADAGAME 615 31.94
28308    Ada and Spring Cleaning ADACLEAN 1313 19.16
28315    Shoumiks Weakness WEAKSMK 11 24.14
28352    Friend Zoned FRNDZND 288 63.81
28404    Ada and Field ADAFIELD 551 25.82
28409    Ada and Cycle ADACYCLE 826 26.80
28413    Ada and Fence ADAFENCE 42 26.98
28449    Ada and List ADALIST 305 21.88
28450    Ada and Path ADAPATH 101 31.45
28451    Ada and Cities ADACITY 140 26.42
28456    Finding the way TAP2016B 16 8.06
28457    Correlations TAP2016C 91 29.44
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