list of classical problems

36531    Empanadas VZLA2019E 74 53.38
36532    Friendship VZLA2019F 18 40.00
36533    Gentleman s Wallet VZLA2019G 53 40.87
36534    Heroes VZLA2019H 5 22.73
36537    Koala Fan VZLA2019K 40 23.28
36538    Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! VZLA2019L 6 33.33
36563    Hard Fibonacci FIBHARD 86 23.78
36577    K-transfer journey KTRANS 23 43.84
36583    Game of Square CBIT01 124 30.77
36644    Minimum string moves ILD18MSM 0 0.00
36653    Blind Escape II BLINDESC 8 60.24
36667    Solution to all the problems KTH_INDEX 142 20.91
36668    Not So Blind Escape NBLINDESC 7 31.94
36670    Bipartite Permutation BPM 353 46.74
36671    Bipartite Permutation (Hard) BPM2 51 17.91
36674    PIZZA MOHIBPIZ 415 17.08
36704    Projectile Motion PROJECTILE 8 5.51
36710    To the Bird-planet TTBRM 37 17.41
36712    Trailing digits TRAILDIG 61 12.37
36718    Fashionable self-describing numbers SELFNUM 51 17.33
36789    Linear Diophantine Equation COUNTDIO 8 16.81
36860    Epidemic Control IBONEC 29 54.84
36861    Yet Another Perfect Square Equation PERFSQNUM 56 31.48
36886    Absurdistans Teaparties TEAPARTY 13 31.08
36896    Supraiden SUPRAID 0 0.00
36936    K-Divisors KDIV 9 18.30
36937    Random Magic Trick RANAGIC 12 40.00
36941    AND Queries ANDQQ 9 11.39
36946    March Of The King CHECKMEET 13 37.50
36951    HowManyLis HMLIS 128 17.95
36998    Superpowertree POWTREE 22 31.49
37053    Trailing Zeros ALIEN0 54 53.92
37114    PermRLE GCJ08RND2PD 9 29.73
37169    Boba Inversion BOBAINV 97 33.61
37175    Submatrix Sum of a Sparse Matrix BUZZ95 6 21.88
37226    Recursive Sequence (Version III) SPP3 7 31.03
37272    Dinostratus Matrices DINOMAT 6 67.35
37375    Kingdom of Equality KEQUALITY 10 24.62
37380    Acronym ACRYM 29 26.07
37387    Modulo Sequence MODSEQ 52 14.38
37388    Balls and Queries QBALL 53 42.11
37389    Weird Construction KONSTRAKSCHION 17 8.77
37390    Colored Development BANSTAND 26 38.16
37391    Development Colored STANDBAN 13 32.22
37420    Anti Hash AHASH 33 15.16
37422    Recurrence Power Sum RECPWSUM 25 19.55
37443    Acronym II ACRYM2 28 15.53
37444    Anti Hash II AHASH2 7 47.46
37446    Breaking Math BBAD 7 26.15
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