list of classical problems

7740    Fence BOI7FEN 19 29.23
7741    Sequence BOI7SEQ 802 30.25
7742    Onotole needs your help OLOLO 10064 41.03
7745    Bingo! MBINGO 749 38.70
7746    Cocircular Points MCOCIR 59 16.57
7753    Happy Numbers II HPYNOSII 647 15.92
7757    Flowers Flourish from France MFLAR10 3146 53.00
7758    Growing Strings MGLAR10 172 31.78
7759    Hyperactive Girl MHLAR10 106 39.75
7760    Kids’ Wishes MKLAR10 92 31.74
7761    Jollo MJLAR10 394 40.05
7762    Electric Needs MELAR10 23 41.30
7763    Ingenious Metro MILAR10 66 66.67
7772    Help a researcher HLPRSRCH 55 46.99
7777    National Treasure ANARC09J 32 38.30
7778    Land Division ANARC09H 35 43.21
7779    Stock Chase ANARC09G 71 29.71
7782    Largest Labeled Common Ancestor LLCA 204 61.73
7783    Commuting Functions COMFUNC 44 25.22
7804    Defense of a Kingdom DEFKIN 4885 25.32
7805    Kitchen Robot KITROB 88 31.90
7807    The Lucky Prisoner LPRISON 27 9.93
7809    Cow Photographs COWPIC 167 35.77
7826    Tree Isomorphism TREEISO 512 22.37
7851    Stacks of Zippy JZPSTA 18 17.37
7857    Tower Game (Hard) ADV04A1 59 15.07
7859    Upper Right King (Hard) ADV04B1 165 36.85
7860    Deal or No Deal ADV04C 9 42.55
7861    UFO ADV04D 35 30.00
7862    Prisoner of Benda ADV04E 23 34.25
7864    Four Chips (Hard) ADV04F1 132 29.56
7866    Regular expressions (Hard) ADV04G1 96 25.05
7868    Join ADV04H 17 47.56
7870    Invisible point ADV04J 1649 42.76
7874    Calculator ADV04K 25 22.30
7875    Miles and kilometers ADV04L 602 46.79
7881    Ljutnja C1LJUTNJ 637 24.24
7882    Tabovi C1TABOVI 329 49.68
7884    Crni C2CRNI 52 53.27
7886    Boards (Hard) ADV04I1 35 34.59
7891    Fibonacci Sequence SPFIBO 97 30.21
7897    Skyline SKYLINE 878 32.43
7934    Operating System Problems (Task Scheduling) OSPROB1 137 56.53
7960    Multiplicative Palindrome MULPAL 31 31.55
7969    A Knights’ Tale ACPC10G 76 23.33
7970    Jumping Beans ACPC10H 58 26.80
7971    The Cyber Traveling Salesman ACPC10I 33 36.20
7972    World of cubes ACPC10F 34 17.42
7973    Sometimes, a penalty is good! ACPC10E 1196 29.41
7974    What’s Next ACPC10A 40780 35.13
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