list of classical problems

209    The Map MAP 238 40.11
210    The Altars ALTARS 47 15.90
211    Primitivus recurencis PRIMIT 244 26.90
212    Water among Cubes WATER 1504 25.95
215    Panic in the Plazas PANIC 83 20.53
217    Soldiers on Parade SOPARADE 123 28.11
220    Relevant Phrases of Annihilation PHRASES 644 22.80
224    Vonny and her dominos VONNY 664 51.89
226    Jewelry and Fashion JEWELS 20 27.84
227    Ordering the Soldiers ORDERS 1445 33.12
228    Shamans SHAMAN 139 20.66
231    The Zebra Crossing ZEBRA 12 2.67
234    Getting Rid of the Holidays (Act I) HOLIDAY1 95 13.83
235    Very Fast Multiplication VFMUL 1261 27.80
236    Converting number formats ROMAN 149 42.42
237    Sums in a Triangle SUMITR 3571 42.40
238    Getting Rid of the Holidays (Act II) HOLIDAY2 81 15.98
239    Tour de Byteland BTOUR 85 24.56
241    Arranging the Blocks BLOCKS 52 13.04
243    Stable Marriage Problem STABLEMP 1532 40.55
247    Chocolate CHOCOLA 5755 44.14
260    Containers CTAIN 290 45.92
261    Triangle Partitioning TRIPART 199 58.11
262    Connections CONNECT 111 28.84
263    Period PERIOD 2794 39.40
264    Corporative Network CORNET 590 24.89
272    Cave Exploration CAVE 39 10.02
274    Johnny and the Watermelon Plantation WMELON 213 24.36
275    The Water Ringroad WATERWAY 2 10.00
277    City Game CTGAME 1278 38.84
278    Bicycle BICYCLE 56 13.11
279    Interesting number INUMBER 815 24.08
280    Lifts LIFTS 43 17.38
283    Naptime NAPTIME 585 25.01
286    Selfish Cities SCITIES 697 39.03
287    Smart Network Administrator NETADMIN 447 23.50
290    Polynomial Equations POLYEQ 62 22.90
291    Cube Root CUBERT 251 16.64
292    Alibaba ALIBB 168 23.22
293    Officers on the Beat OFBEAT 11 21.43
296    Teamwork is Crucial TWORK 68 31.29
297    Aggressive cows AGGRCOW 41601 36.08
300    Cable TV Network CABLETV 634 35.86
301    Booklets BOOK 184 41.45
302    Count on Cantor CANTON 12998 61.31
303    The Unstable Cube UCUBE 45 28.92
309    The Room Pattern RATTERN 44 15.90
318    Pythagorean Legacy PITPAIR 29 23.04
325    The Tall Windmills WINDMILL 82 24.75
327    Platon and Socrates PLATON 50 12.75
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