list of classical problems

7264    Digital LED Number DIGNUM 531 28.81
7286    Collect Diamonds COLDIAM 16 23.08
7296    Trees Again CNTTREE 166 50.53
7297    Placing Coins on a Grid GRIDCOIN 57 33.09
7299    Multiples of 3 MULTQ3 3682 23.40
7301    Lucky Controller LCKYCONT 7 29.55
7322    Prime Pattern CHEFJUN 94 36.31
7323    Happy Days CHEFJUL 46 48.08
7333    Shuffle Music SHUFFLEN 7 27.27
7335    Spheres KULE 129 9.55
7336    Mastermind MSTRMND 487 36.07
7337    Shuffling SHUFFLE1 20 17.18
7356    Iterated Bitcount Function ITERBIT 36 17.72
7363    Tree Sum TREESUM 149 33.90
7378    Manhattan Companies MCOMP 13 15.13
7386    Activities ACTIV 1421 25.50
7387    Airplane Parking PKA 53 22.88
7389    Rating Hazard PKD 21 21.10
7402    Repair Depots PC8H 14 46.34
7403    Messy Administration MESS 9 35.00
7404    Just on Time ONTIME 9 22.64
7405    Delicious Pancakes PANCAKES 731 27.05
7406    Beehive Numbers BEENUMS 9184 58.88
7408    Camelot CAMELOT 62 38.01
7409    Drawing Quadrilaterals DRAWQUAD 51 12.12
7422    Escape from Jail Again ESCJAILA 429 41.92
7423    File Recover Testing FILRTEST 902 35.37
7424    Girls and Boys GIRLSNBS 12252 46.92
7425    Hackers HACKERS 166 31.38
7426    Imperial Units IMPUNITS 498 45.86
7427    Jara’s Legacy JARA 81 39.79
7430    Tower Of Hanoi - Revisited RANJAN02 2104 51.36
7486    Rooks BIO1 226 28.49
7487    Flibonakki FLIB 850 29.55
7488    LCM GCD Love LGLOVE 183 19.09
7489    Slow Growing Bacteria SBACT 82 11.67
7490    Biology BIO 15 7.51
7507    Wonderful Randomized Sum CF33C 368 40.36
7555    A - Crazy Rows HAROWS 180 25.47
7556    B - Stock Charts HASTOCK 39 39.64
7558    D - Alphabetomials HAALPHA 10 50.00
7559    E - Football Team HATEAM 9 19.70
7560    F - Interesting Ranges HARANGES 9 25.00
7561    Lexicographic position LEXIPOS 33 33.86
7563    Hi6 HISIX 37 17.90
7565    Another Sorting Algorithm IITD1 29 14.60
7566    Expected Cycle Sums IITD5 44 46.40
7567    Divisor Summation Powered IITD4 359 21.17
7579    Power Calculus YOKOF 252 44.90
7581    The Best Name for Your Baby YOKOH 10 34.38
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