list of classical problems

6285    Another Game With Numbers NGM2 1229 30.58
6299    Move Marbles MOVMRBL 21 6.37
6470    Finding the Kth Prime TDKPRIME 7304 27.29
6471    Printing some primes TDPRIMES 7044 28.56
6517    Farmer Sepp JOCHEF 327 21.90
6691    Picking Up Chicks GCJ101BB 2200 32.17
6773    Dinostratus Numbers DINONUM 92 17.79
7034    Crashing Robots CROBOTS 159 46.15
7035    The Embarrassed Cryptographer CRYPTON 336 31.43
7050    Necklace Decomposition NECKDEC 44 59.79
7169    Pizza EGYPIZZA 6418 29.96
7217    Training for final TRIKA 2089 45.46
7239    Cells IPCELLS 74 44.93
7240    Playground PLYGRND 203 41.92
7249    Perfume PERFUME 109 15.68
7250    Blocks for kids PBOARD 95 44.12
7259    Light Switching LITE 4328 33.00
7260    Number Game NUMGAME 91 25.51
7380    Factorial challenge FUNFACT 340 31.45
7487    Flibonakki FLIB 850 29.55
7488    LCM GCD Love LGLOVE 183 19.09
7489    Slow Growing Bacteria SBACT 82 11.67
7563    Hi6 HISIX 37 17.90
7600    Milk Trading MLK 181 30.18
7603    Fibonacci Factor FIBFACT 26 26.94
7683    Powered and Squared CSQUARE 710 27.13
7685    Flowers FLWRS 307 30.12
7696    Encryption CENCRY 971 36.00
7709    Jumping Zippy JZPCIR 64 55.34
7733    Happy Numbers I HPYNOS 9356 53.37
7753    Happy Numbers II HPYNOSII 647 15.92
7772    Help a researcher HLPRSRCH 55 46.99
7851    Stacks of Zippy JZPSTA 18 17.37
8097    Islands IOIISL08 69 46.30
8100    Shifting Lights SHLIGHTS 227 31.13
8104    Friendly Knights KFRIENDS 147 45.38
8119    CIRU2 CIRUT 172 36.34
8177    Beautiful numbers EXTREME JZPEXT 222 25.67
8222    Substrings NSUBSTR 1226 29.28
8265    Zero Count ZEROCNT 14 12.61
8316    Win gold medal WINGOLD 55 27.37
8317    Red Balls SIGNGAME 43 44.84
8318    color the balls PLAYSIGN 66 45.93
8374    PARKET PARKET1 1837 56.12
8467    GRADE POINT AVERAGE GPA1 631 29.95
8478    Ancient Pocket Calculator POCALC1 7 4.44
8491    Messy Phone List PHONMESS 50 19.67
8542    Modern Pocket Calculator POCALC2 35 9.15
8558    Linear Equation Solver LINQSOLV 15 28.38
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