list of classical problems

7486    Rooks BIO1 226 28.49
7487    Flibonakki FLIB 850 29.55
7488    LCM GCD Love LGLOVE 183 19.09
7489    Slow Growing Bacteria SBACT 82 11.67
7490    Biology BIO 15 7.51
7507    Wonderful Randomized Sum CF33C 368 40.36
7555    A - Crazy Rows HAROWS 180 25.47
7556    B - Stock Charts HASTOCK 39 39.64
7558    D - Alphabetomials HAALPHA 10 50.00
7559    E - Football Team HATEAM 9 19.70
7560    F - Interesting Ranges HARANGES 9 25.00
7561    Lexicographic position LEXIPOS 33 33.86
7563    Hi6 HISIX 37 17.90
7565    Another Sorting Algorithm IITD1 29 14.60
7566    Expected Cycle Sums IITD5 44 46.40
7567    Divisor Summation Powered IITD4 359 21.17
7579    Power Calculus YOKOF 252 44.90
7581    The Best Name for Your Baby YOKOH 10 34.38
7583    Cubic Eight-Puzzle YOKOC 28 31.43
7586    Number of Palindromes NUMOFPAL 1297 46.07
7588    Wise And Miser MISERMAN 5387 67.79
7589    Cave Crisis PC8C 11 65.22
7599    Optimal Strategy for the ICPC PC8F 8 18.37
7600    Milk Trading MLK 181 30.18
7602    New Game with a Chess Piece CF36D 218 30.83
7603    Fibonacci Factor FIBFACT 26 26.94
7623    Divisors VI DIVISER9 23 14.84
7627    Driving Direction NE06D 9 40.00
7628    Mathematics MATHS 64 28.57
7629    Building Ports BPORT 43 13.48
7630    SHOPPERS SHOPPERS 148 34.95
7632    Architecture ARCHI 18 22.92
7637    Road Map RANJAN05 74 53.77
7666    Telecommunications TELECOM 22 24.75
7668    Pebble Solver PEBBLE 1995 50.38
7676    Sum of Digits CPCRC1C 4781 38.52
7680    Electrical Engineering ELEC 16 34.64
7683    Powered and Squared CSQUARE 710 27.13
7685    Flowers FLWRS 307 30.12
7691    Homo or Hetero HOMO 1639 36.17
7692    Chemistry CHEM 69 13.87
7693    Environmental Engineering ENVIRON 11 23.95
7696    Encryption CENCRY 971 36.00
7704    Civil Engineering CIVIL 634 44.67
7709    Jumping Zippy JZPCIR 64 55.34
7718    Number of common divisors COMDIV 6827 25.00
7733    Happy Numbers I HPYNOS 9356 53.37
7734    Twist and whirl - want to cheat TWIST 229 45.06
7737    Escape BOI7ESC 54 33.70
7739    Sound BOI7SOU 449 32.74
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