list of basics problems

35369    Mozahid the forgetful MOZMTF 10 11.24
35868    Sharmeen and the Lost Array MOZSATLA 122 6.22
35869    Jenny the GeoLover MOZGEOL 18 12.99
35870    Sharmmen and Max Subarray MOZSAMSA 21 25.53
35871    Sharmeen and One MOZSAO 31 20.56
35872    Sharmeen and Even Odd MOZSAEO 26 8.94
36131    Sieve of Sundaram MMFSUNDARAM 63 44.72
36133    Sharmeen And C Programming MOZSACP 86 44.55
36135    Sharmeen And Her Friends MOZSAHF 31 35.87
36136    Sharmeen And Her Two Friends MOZSAHTF 37 43.02
36137    Sharmeen And Digits MOZSAD 25 34.18
36138    Sharmeen And Leap Year MOZSALY 21 6.75
36139    Sharmeen And English Alphabet MOZSAEA 11 29.27
36140    Sharmeen And Sadness MOZSASN 19 48.98
36141    Sharmeen And Multiplication MOZSAM 60 22.16
36265    Goni the Geometrician HASANCIRCLE 0 0.00
36361    Add Days SHADDAYS 20 18.80
36365    Most Occurrence SHOCCUR 17 9.24
36366    Sum of Something OVISOD 5 10.61
36367    Sharmeen can do it. Do you? MOZSAP 30 17.14
36368    Sharmeen and binary number MOZSABN 20 23.00
36370    Sharmeen and the day of week MOZSATDOW 27 17.05
36371    Sharmeen and the distribution MOZSATD 31 9.76
36372    Sharmeen and the commas MOZSATC 17 11.11
36373    Sharmeen and parentheses MOZSAPAR 11 7.09
36374    Sharmeen and the strange keyboard MOZSATSK 7 12.37
36375    Sharmeen and counting letters MOZSACL 6 7.53
36535    Italian Dinner VZLA2019I 134 41.07
36536    Jump! VZLA2019J 71 14.42
36669    Quadratic Equation QUADEQ 19 10.09
36705    input24021986 DRSTWN 0 0.00
36750    A very hard problem to crack PRANAVHPTC 21 40.74
36751    Spending Money HASANSM 10 47.73
36752    The ACM ICPC Problem MOZTAIP 11 17.14
36753    Even Odd MUJEO 6 8.57
36754    Geometry MUJGEO 5 27.59
36757    Do Not love them MUJDONLT 11 13.40
36758    Valid Parentheses MOZVAPA 0 0.00
37265    FEASTOFPIGS MOMOS 54 14.55
37319    Praktikum 4 SDF D SDF4D 4 4.84
37445    Annual leave calculator ALEAVE 9 32.26
37450    Getting a rocket off the ground RCKTFUEL 3 38.46
37451    Creating simple acronyms SIMPACR 7 38.10
37453    What is the next number in the sequence ZDIFFSQ2 10 38.71
37454    Pizza and pigeons PZZAPGON 11 32.43
37455    Abundant numbers ABNDNTNM 16 56.67
37456    Choosing staff to work on open days OPNDYSTF 13 23.33
37490    COMP IIC12345545 0 0.00
38023    Hello world PRF00 393 36.56
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