TRVCOST - Travelling cost

The government of Spoj_land has selected a number of locations in the city for road construction and numbered those locations as 0, 1, 2, 3, ... 500.

Now, they want to construct roads between various pairs of location (say A and B) and have fixed the cost for travelling between those pair of locations from either end as W unit.

Now, Rohit being a curious boy wants to find the minimum cost for travelling from location U (source) to Q number of other locations (destination).


First line contains N ,the number of roads that government constructed.

Next N line contains three integers A ,B, and W.

A and B represent the locations between which the road was constructed and W is the fixed cost for travelling from A to B or from B to A.

Next line contains an integer U from where Rohit wants to travel to other locations.

Next line contain Q, the number of queries (finding cost) that he wants to perform.

Next Q lines contain an integer V (destination) for which minimum cost is to be found from U.


Print the required answer in each line.

If he can't travel from location U to V by any means then, print 'NO PATH' without quotes.


0 1 4
0 3 8
1 4 1
1 2 2
4 2 3
2 5 3
3 4 2



1 <= N <= 500

0 <= A, B <= 500

1 <= W <= 100

0 <= U, V <= 500

1 <= Q <= 500


Query #1: 0 → 1: cost = 4

Query #2: 0 → 4: 0 → 1 → 4, cost = 4 + 1 = 5

Query #3: 0 → 5: 0 → 1 → 2 → 5, cost = 4 + 2 + 3 = 9

Query #4: 0 → 7: no path exist between 0 and 7

Added by:ivar.raknahs
Time limit:0.5s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64 JS-MONKEY

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2015-03-19 19:17:06 Prateek Sharma
can you give some hint why I am getting WA.
soln id=13900741

Last edit: 2015-03-19 19:39:59
2015-03-11 13:59:24 LeppyR64
The formatting for the problem statement is not good with the new design. Don't manually add linebreaks in the middle of sentences.
-reply-> done.

Last edit: 2015-03-13 08:14:57
2015-03-10 17:21:31 [Lakshman]
@ivar.raknahs can you give some hint why I am getting WA.

-reply-> for your sol id =13844316
your code is printing "NO PATH" for some cases where it should print some cost. Try again .Good luck.

Last edit: 2015-03-13 08:35:48
2015-03-06 19:33:36 RIVU DAS
Can you please recheck your input files? I think there's a mistake in them.

-reply-> Thanks for pointing it out.
Test cases have been updated and all solutions have been rejudged.

Last edit: 2015-03-06 21:59:59
2015-03-06 13:37:03 priyank
running perfectly upto 9 test case while in 10 it gives NZEC error why??

-reply-> it may be giving nzec error for all the files . The judge runs your code for all input files and then gives verdict.

Last edit: 2015-03-13 08:19:16
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