TRGRID - Traversing Grid

Starting at the top left corner of an N*M grid and facing towards the right, you keep walking one square at a time in the direction you are facing. If you reach the boundary of the grid or if the next square you are about to visit has already been visited, you turn right. You stop when all the squares in the grid have been visited. What direction will you be facing when you stop?

For example : Consider the case with N = 3,M = 3. The path followed will be (0, 0) → (0, 1) → (0, 2) → (1, 2) → (2, 2) → (2, 1) → (2, 0) → (1, 0) → (1, 1). At this point, all squares have been visited, and you are facing right.


The first line contains T the number of test cases. Each of the next T lines contain two integers N and M, denoting the number of rows and columns respectively.


Output T lines, one for each test case, containing the required direction you will be facing at the end. Output L for left, R for right, U for up, and D for down.


1 1
2 2
3 1
3 3



1 <= T <= 10000
1 <= N, M <= 1000000000

Added by:Varun Jalan
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:own problem used for Codechef Snackdown Onsite

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2015-02-19 15:31:50 sharad mahajan
easy one
2015-02-11 11:45:57 Govind Lahoti
nice problem :)
2014-10-30 02:49:53 Rajat (1307086)
Hint: [removed]

Last edit: 2014-10-30 04:22:01
2014-10-05 16:25:04 Arun Karthikeyan
Only scanner doesn't work, BufferedReader works out for java.
2014-10-02 16:42:48 mayank
2016th problem solver! feels unique! was hoping to be the 2015th but, anyways! :D
2014-07-11 07:57:53 tapopadma
I love these type of problems which need 2/3 lines of code but a funny maths.. :D
2013-06-19 20:40:02 No_words
O(1) but TLE in java ! -_-

Java Coders:

Use Highly optimized IO.
Scanner and even Bufferedreader wont work!

Last edit: 2013-06-20 09:51:51
2012-12-25 11:18:28 Philipp Heeg
Requires optimized I/O in Java.
2010-04-19 17:12:15 HWK
Why I can't see my accepted solution with Nasm in 'Best solutions'?

Edit: After the acceleration from 0.07 to 0.00 secs it is visible. I don't know why.

Last edit: 2010-04-19 19:43:25
2010-03-23 12:53:40 :D
N is the height and M is the width. For me the opposite would be obvious, but the 3th testcase says otherwise.
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