TEMPTISL - Temptation Island

On Monday, the number of frosh were reduced in half. To further reduce the number of engineers to a manageable number, the following challenge was devised for the second day. Each of the students would have to take this challenge individually.

Each student would be placed at a vertex of perimeter fence of Waterloo (oh yeah, some background: to keep UofT’s engineering Lady Godiva band out of Waterloo, a fence was erected surrounding the university. The fence just happens to be an N-gon). At some other vertex along the fence would be located a temptation so seductive that no Waterloo student could resist – an extra-credit assignment. The challenge of each student is to go from his starting vertex to the vertex with the prize. There are however 3 rules:

a) The student can only travel from vertex to vertex (backwards or forwards) along the polygonal fence.

b) The student has to make contact with exactly K vertices (the vertex he starts at doesn’t count unless he returns to it). The K vertices need not be unique. The final vertex has to be the one with the prize.

c) If the student cannot reach the prize and make contact with exactly K vertices, he fails the test and is kicked out of the university.

Of course, no Waterloo student is satisfied with only 1 solution to any problem. Therefore, inevitably, each student determines all ways that he/she can win. Note that there may be no solution to the problem (the astute student has figured out that this will result in a class size of 0 – this is entirely allowable as the variable used to quantify enrolment was incorrectly defined as a whole number instead of a natural number).


N K (N, K <= 50)
A B (A = the starting vertex number, B = destination vertex number)
-1 -1 terminates input


The total number of ways of reaching the destination from the starting point by following the above rules. The total number of ways will be less than 263 - 1. Output 0 if there are no solution.


8 5
1 4
-1 -1


Added by:JaceTheMindSculptor
Time limit:0.5s-1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: C99 ERL JS-RHINO
Resource:Woburn Challenge 2001

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2011-11-01 21:48:05 যোবায়ের
1 based. doesn't matter whether n > 3 or not.
2011-06-05 15:56:00 jack(chakradarraju)
are the vertex numbers 0-based or 1-based?
Problem setter should make the problem statement more clear
2011-04-12 23:40:22 Santiago Palacio
Is there an input with n < 3?
2011-04-11 21:37:59 Santiago Palacio
Thanks sanky, i thought it was the incorrect way
2009-04-13 11:55:33 sanky
I add the info as I got confused.There are multiple sets where each set is
n1 k1
a1 b1
n2 k2
a2 b2
-1 -1(n and k) at the end.
It is not
n k
a1 b1
a2 b2
a3 b3
-1 -1(a and b)at the end.
2009-04-10 03:10:04 JaceTheMindSculptor
Output file had a mistake before. The problem statement used to say, "The total number of ways will be less than 2,147,483,647." (incorrect), instead of 2^63 - 1 (correct).

Last edit: 2009-04-10 03:20:54
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