Problem setter of INSOMNIA, MNNIT Allahabad decided to set a easy problem for all coders so that they can easily solve the problem and boost their confidence for rest of INSOMNIA.

The problem is a follows: You are given an array of size n which is initialized with 0. You will be given q queries of two types:

  • Type 1: set in (input value) index k to -1.
  • Type 2: print the index which has value -1 and is greater or equal to input index y. If there is no such value print -1.

Note: Indexing is 1 based.


First line contains two integers n and q separated by spaces.

Next q lines contains type of query and for type 1 query integer k separated by a space and for type 2 integer y separated by a space.

1 ≤ n ≤ 106

1 ≤ q ≤ 106

1 ≤ y, k ≤ n


Print a single line for each query type 2 containing index which has value -1 and is greater or equal to input index y.


5 5
2 3
1 2
2 1
2 3
2 2


Added by:Sandeep Kumar Singh
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)

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2017-08-08 15:58:11 Vipul Srivastava
I am using set for my solution and the complexity is Qlogn I am getting TLE, can someone suggest if its a problem using stl for the solution?
2017-08-08 15:45:14
QlogN is sufficient.
2017-08-07 09:35:39
@vipul seems so
2017-08-05 13:32:22
For Type 2 print the smallest index(if exists) greater than equal to y which has the value of -1.
2017-08-05 11:00:31 Vipul Srivastava
Is qlog(n) insufficient for this problem?
2017-08-05 02:51:00
what is this output should be?
4 3
1 3
1 2
2 1

is it 2 3 or 2

Last edit: 2017-08-05 02:51:23
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