SNGLOOP1 - Easiest Loop 1

Ileana D'Cruz is taking programming classes but she is having problem in understanding while loops. She is working on following set of instructions -

INTEGER I = 0, S, U = 1010;

WHILE (I < U) {
S = (3 * S) + (5 * I);
I = I + 1;

Let Sk be the value assigned to INTEGER S for the iteration I = (k + 1) and n, m, p be positive integers such that m > n. Ileana knows the values of n and m but she forgot the initial value of S. She is trying to find the unit digit of p. Any initial value of S may be used. She also knows the following equality -

(2 * n + 3) * (p - 1) + (4 / 5) * [(p * Sn) - Sm] = 2 * (m - n)


First line of input is T (total number of test cases). Each of next T lines contains two integers n and m.


Print unit digit of p (p % 10) for each test case in separated lines.


2 3



T < 10001


Let S = 2
S0 = 6
S1 = 23
S2 = 79
S3 = 252
Now solving the equation gives p = 3.

Added by:AvmnuSng
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Resource:Abhimanyu Singh
My Problems

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2014-06-17 18:20:59 AvmnuSng
@Jacob Plachta : I am also worried that how all the comments got deleted as I didn't. If you could tell me how it happened, I edited the problem statement and when I saved it, all the comments got deleted.

RE: Oh, that's odd. Perhaps someone else happened to delete the comments around the same time for some reason.

Last edit: 2014-06-16 05:58:05
2014-06-17 18:20:59 Jacob Plachta
I don't know why my clarifying comment was silently deleted, but the problem is just not valid as stated without mentioning anything about the initial value of S. I've edited the problem statement with a potential fix.
2014-06-17 18:20:59 Tensor
please can you tell me what's wrong with my code

Last edit: 2014-06-15 21:38:17
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