SLIDE - Team Slide Treasure Hunt Race

Alice and Bob are participating in an exciting new Olympic event, the Team Slide Treasure Hunt Race! This event takes place on a slide with various treasures on it, which is up to 10m wide and 10km long. Yes, that's kilometers.

The slide can be represented as a grid of cells, with N (2N104) rows and M (2M10) columns. The rows are numbered 1,2N from top to bottom, and the columns are numbered 1,2M from left to right. The cell in row i and column j is referred to as cell (i, j), and contains a treasure with value Gi,j (1Gi,j105).

The two friends will each get to travel once down the slide, one after another. First, Alice will slide from the top-left corner of the slide (cell (1, 1)) down to the bottom-left corner (cell (N, 1)). Then, Bob will slide from the top-right corner (cell (1, M)) down to the bottom-right corner (cell (N, M)). Whenever a person moves in the slide, they move from their current row to the next row down, and they can also guide themselves left or right by one column if desired. This means that they can go from cell (i, j) to either cell (i+1, j1), (i+1, j), or (i+1, j+1), as long as they don't exit the slide. Throughout the race, both Alice and Bob collect the treasure in each cell they slide through - this includes their respective starting and ending cells. However, if Bob goes through any cell that Alice has already visited, he can't collect the treasure in it again.

Alice and Bob would like to determine a sliding plan to allow them to collect as much treasure as possible, and win the gold medal! They've asked you to determine the maximum total value of treasure that they can collect, out of all valid strategies.


The first line of the input will contain two integers N and M, separated by a space. Each of the next N lines, for i from 1 to N, will contain the M space-separated integers Gi,1Gi,2Gi,M.


Output one number on a line by itself: the maximum combined treasure value that Alice and Bob can collect.


5 4
3 6 8 2
5 2 4 3
1 1 20 10
1 1 20 10
1 1 20 10 Output: 73

Explanation of Sample

The single optimal sliding plan involves Alice sliding down-right, down-right, down-left, and down-left, followed by Bob sliding down-left, down-right, down-left, and down-right. The treasures collected are shown in bold on the following grid:

Alice collects a total treasure value of 3+2+20+1+1=27, while Bob collects 2+4+10+20+10=46. Their total is then 27+46=73.

Added by:SourSpinach
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:Own problem

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2016-05-08 22:47:15 farhad chowdhury
wa any critical cases plz share
2015-08-09 12:09:06 CKA
14854935 Plz look and suggest where am I making mistake
2015-07-28 23:33:25
AC in one go!
2015-06-03 07:20:45 parijat bhatt
Easy but silly mistakes cost me a wrong answer and a few CE.
2015-05-26 21:11:09 Naman Goyal
Good problem. Really worth the time.
2015-05-26 18:40:25 Naman Goyal
Sorry my bad, I read the problem top left to bottom right corner.

Last edit: 2015-05-26 20:58:47
2014-07-25 05:42:33 YoungMoon KO
According to the problem description, "... they can go from cell (i, j) to either cell (i+1, j−1), (i+1, j), or (i+1, j+1) ...", with this movement, for the sample, Alce sliging down right,down right, down, down, down (3 + 2+ 20 + 20 + 20 = 65). For Bob sliding down left, down right, down, down, down (2 + 4+ 10 + 10 + 10 = 36). So the optimal combined max should be l01. Am I right?

RE: Read the problem more carefully.

Last edit: 2014-07-30 20:12:09
2014-07-19 22:11:54 Archit Jain
wa again and again
author plz check 11980797

RE: Yup, it's wrong.

Last edit: 2014-07-24 17:00:53
2014-02-16 01:07:40 Rishav Goyal
Really nice problem.
2013-06-30 19:24:21 Aman Gupta
Nice question! Somewhat like TOURIST
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