SKPOLICE - Policija


To help capture criminals on the run, the police are introducing a new computer system. The area 
covered by the police contains N cities and E bidirectional roads connecting them. The cities are 
labelled 1 to N. 
The police often want to catch criminals trying to get from one city to another. Inspectors, looking at a 
map, try to determine where to set up barricades and roadblocks. The new computer system should 
answer the following two types of queries: 
1. Consider two cities A and B, and a road connecting cities G1
 and G2
. Can the criminals get 
from city A to city B if that one road is blocked and the criminals can't use it? 
2. Consider three cities A, B and C. Can the criminals get from city A to city B if the entire city 
C is cut off and the criminals can't enter that city? 
Write a program that implements the described system

To help capture criminals on the run, the police are introducing a new computer system. The area covered by the police contains N cities and E bidirectional roads connecting them. The cities are labelled 1 to N. The police often want to catch criminals trying to get from one city to another. Inspectors, looking at a map, try to determine where to set up barricades and roadblocks. The new computer system should answer the following two types of queries:

1. Consider two cities A and B, and a road connecting cities G1 and G2. Can the criminals get from city A to city B if that one road is blocked and the criminals can't use it? 

2. Consider three cities A, B and C. Can the criminals get from city A to city B if the entire city C is cut off and the criminals can't enter that city?

Write a program that implements the described system



The first line contains two integers N and E (2 ≤ N ≤ 100 000, 1 ≤ E ≤ 500 000), the number of cities and roads. Each of the following E lines contains two distinct integers between 1 and N – the labels of two cities connected by a road. There will be at most one road between any pair of cities. The following line contains the integer Q (1 ≤ Q ≤ 300 000), the number of queries the system is being tested on. Each of the following Q lines contains either four or five integers. The first of these integers is the type of the query – 1 or 2. 

If the query is of type 1, then the same line contains four more integers A, B, G1 and G2 as described earlier. A and B will be different. G1 and G2 will represent an existing road. 

If the query is of type 2, then the same line contains three more integers A, B and C. A, B and C will be distinct integers. 

The test data will be such that it is initially possible to get from each city to every other city. 


Output the answers to all Q queries, one per line. The answer to a query can be "yes" or "no". 


13 15 
1 2 
2 3 
3 5 
2 4 
4 6 
2 6 
1 4 
1 7 
7 8 
7 9 
7 10 
8 11 
8 12 
9 12 
12 13 
1 5 13 1 2 
1 6 2 1 4 
1 13 6 7 8 
2 13 6 7 
2 13 6 8


Added by:Nhung anh sao dem
Time limit:0.600s-1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:COCI 06/07 Online Contest

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2013-10-19 05:54:05 Mitch Schwartz
Hmm, scoring and time limits are different; maybe it could be considered an easier edition of POLQUERY. Moved to partial, because of scoring.
2013-10-18 11:32:08 Fahim Zubayer
Already exists.
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