SEQAGAIN - Easy Sequence!

Your task is to find the nth term of the following sequence :

F(n) = [F(n-1)*F(n-2)]K for n>1

F(0), F(1), n and K will be provided as input. Modulus for all calculations is 1000000007. You should print the answer modulo 1000000007 i.e. F(n)%1000000007


Input starts with a line containing an integer T ≤ 5000 which is the number of test cases in the file. Your program will be run on several input files.

Each test case consists of four space separated integers : F(0), F(1), n and K.


T lines containing one integer each, corresponding to the answers for the T test cases.


0 ≤ n ≤ 1018

0 ≤ K ≤ 109

0 ≤ F(0), F(1) ≤ 106


1 1 2 1

Output: 1

Added by:zingoba
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64

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2014-06-05 03:04:03 darryl
The following problem is quite similar
You should check it out.
2014-06-05 03:04:03 Nipun Poddar
would u plz check my submission, id-8685934..& tell me why its giving WA
2014-06-05 03:04:03 npsabari
Remember n can 0 also, in which case you have to print the given number! This gave 5 WA!
2014-06-05 03:04:03 Mostafa 36a2
RE: thanks :D
that mean the answer will be less than 1000000007 always
Edit: I feel Bad that i can't solve it until now :(

Last edit: 2012-11-23 16:48:40
2014-06-05 03:04:03 devu
@Himanshu Sachdeva:Thanks a lot for answering my query.
Hint:"<spoiler removed>" is a trap in which one may fell.
RE : Yeah right! People do think too much! :D

Last edit: 2014-06-05 03:05:40
2014-06-05 03:04:03 devu
@Himanshu Sachdeva : Could you please check my submission id 7222941 and tell me y i am getting wa!!

Dont Know What this problem is looking for.
I ran the same code upto eof,got wrong answer at 0.45 else getting wrong answer at 0.36.

RE : I suggest you to write a brute force program for yourself and see the difference between its output and the output this solution of yours produces. Try some small test cases.

Last edit: 2012-06-28 13:42:14
2014-06-05 03:04:03 :D
2014-06-05 03:04:03 Mostafa 36a2
"Modulus for all calculations is 1000000007."
is it important to understand?
cause i didn't :P
what is the meaning of it??
2014-06-05 03:04:03 [Rampage] Blue.Mary
It seems that discrete logarithm will lead to TLE.

Edit: Never mind, I've found some constant optimization and got AC.

Last edit: 2012-06-27 07:56:30
2014-06-05 03:04:03 Alex Anderson
Do you take 0^0 as 1 or as 0? Or are there no test cases like that?

EDIT: Also, Francky, you were right about Python probably being too slow, because Java was.

RE: 0^0 should be 1. There are such test cases.

EDIT by Alex: Thanks for the time extension

Last edit: 2012-06-28 03:17:53
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