SCPC11G - Indomie


During recession, Amjad needs to queue for SembakoPlus. Sembako, as we all know, stands for “Sembilan Bahan Pokok” which consists of 9 kinds of item: Rice, Sugar, Cooking-oil, Meat, Egg, Milk, Corn, Kerosene and Iodized Salt. SembakoPlus consists of Sembako and one more item: Indomie! Amjad’s favorite of all time!! (therefore, no wonder why he could stand for this long queue).

Each person in the queue is allowed to pick only one item. No need to ask, Amjad wants only Indomie. Unfortunately, they are running out of SembakoPlus stock and currently there are three kinds of item left: Rice, Sugar and Indomie. As he could see from afar, he is quite sure that Rice and Sugar will be enough for everybody.

Given the number of remaining Indomie and the number of people queuing in front of Amjad, your task is to count the probability that he will get his Indomie. Amjad can’t do programming right now as he is very nervous so he can’t think logically. He needs your help!


There will be multiple test cases for this problem. Each test case contains two integers N (1 ≤ N ≤ 50) and S (0 ≤ S ≤ 50), where N is the number of people queuing in front of Amjad and S is the remaining number of Indomie.


For each case, print in a single line the probability in percentage that he will get his Indomie with 5 digits precision (he’s being paranoid)


2 1
3 2
4 0
4 1
10 10
14 9
30 14

Explanation for 1st sample test case:
There are two peoples queuing in front of Amjad, so those two peoples could pick of the
following combination {1st people, 2nd people}:
1. Rice, Rice
2. Rice, Sugar
3. Rice, Indomie
4. Sugar, Rice
5. Sugar, Sugar
6. Sugar, Indomie
7. Indomie, Rice
8. Indomie, Sugar
Since there is only one Indomie left, there are only 4 out of 8 combinations that ensure Amjad to get his Indomie (1, 2, 4 and 5), hence the probability is 4/8 = 50%.

Added by:Ali Arous
Time limit:0.903s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:Syrian Collegiate Programming Contest 2011

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2011-10-19 09:36:13 Ali Arous
no it's not used in Syria , most of the time there are strange terms in problems.
as our native language is Arabic then it doesn't make difference if it's an English or Indonesian strange term

Last edit: 2011-10-19 09:36:59
2011-10-19 08:37:15 Shizuo Heiwajima
the term 'Sembako' are from Bahasa Indonesia, but used in Syria?
2011-10-19 07:03:45 [Rampage] Blue.Mary
Yes, that is very annoying work.
2011-10-19 04:13:30 Mitch Schwartz
Those people standing in queue are doing a lot of work calculating with what probability they should choose an item! Normally we could assume they choose any available item with equal probability..
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