S2P2 - Stock market

Mohamed is a rich man. He is dealing with stock market. Every day he starts with N dollars (specif budget). Through the day he can sell or buy if he sell he will gain S dollars and if he buy he will lose B dollars. Mohamed needs your help given his initial budget and amount he will gain if he sell stock , amount he will lose if he buy stock and sequence of actions sell or buy , print his total money after the day.



input will contain 3 lines
First line : contain 3 integers N  S B where 1<=N,S,B<=100000. N is initial budget , S is amount of sell , B amount for buy
Second line : contain 1 integer M where M is number of actions for the day, 1<=M<=100
thrid line : M charachters , each character will be B or S such that B represent buy and S represent sell


input will contain 3 lines

First line : contain 3 integers N  S B where 1<=N,S,B<=100000. N is initial budget , S is amount of sell , B amount for buy

Second line : contain 1 integer M where M is number of actions for the day, 1<=M<=100

thrid line : M charachters , each character will be B or S such that B represent buy and S represent sell




print the mohamed total money after all day actions and if the amount of money < 0 just print 0.

print endl after the test case


100 10 4

Added by:mohamed gamal
Time limit:2s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:C++ 4.3.2 CPP

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