ROLLBALL - The Rolling Ball

A solid spherical ball of radius R rolls without slipping on the inside surface of a fixed cone, whose tip points downward. The half-angle at the vertex of the cone is u. Initial conditions have been set up so that the ball travels around the cone in a horizontal circle of radius l>R, with the points on the ball that touch the cone tracing out a circle on the ball.

Determine the radius of the circle of these contact points, if you want the sphere to travel around the cone as fast as possible.


Each line of input has integers l (R < l <= 1000000) R (0 < R <= 1000) and u (0 < u < 90) given in degrees.


For each line of input, output the radius of the circle of the contact points, round to integer.


220000 100 29


Problemsetter --- Wu, Xiaogang

Added by:Chen Xiaohong
Time limit:0.200s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ERL JS-RHINO NODEJS PERL6 VB.NET

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2014-07-07 07:07:49 Anshul Singhal
@Chen Xiaohong
can you please make the statement clear by drawing a small diagram for it
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