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Problem hidden on 2014-12-28 16:39:32 by Francky
REVCHAR - Reverse the characters |
Given a sentence, reverse just the words given in the string, without changing their order.
Eg) Hello World should be changed to "olleH dlroW"
The length of the sentence <= 100
Sample Input
Hello World
Sample Output
olleH dlroW
Reverse the words alone, not their order
Added by: | Aswin Murugesh |
Date: | 2014-12-28 |
Time limit: | 1s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: ASM64 |
Resource: | Own Source |
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2015-06-08 09:51:07 Ankush
Do we have to print the exact amount of spaces as given in the test cases? As without the spaces it's just a 2 line code in python and it gave me a WA. |
2014-12-29 10:45:15 Francky
I agree with the simple description given by wisfaq. I'd just add that each line is ending with "\n", even the last one! To make things clear. |
2014-12-29 10:31:38 wisfaq
There seems to be a wish to make problems with the naive notion of a word. English has some idiosyncracies that make it very difficult to define a word precisely. I think that most psetters simply ignore those idiosyncracies. Could we invest some time to develop a working definition for the problems involved? I don't think that every psetter must go out of his wits to design a working one. In the future we can point to that definition. Here is a starter. "The input string consists of upper and lower case letters and spaces, and no other characters. Words consist only of upper and lower case letters and are separated by one of more spaces." If this is not precise enough please elaborate on a better one. Last edit: 2014-12-29 10:36:03 |
2014-12-28 16:38:56 Francky
Here again, you must specify what is word (set of char), how to split them from the string. "I'm here, and you?" is it 4 or 5 words? How to deal the coma? and the mark? == Problem hidden ; waiting for update description. Please let a new comment when it's done. Last edit: 2014-12-28 17:06:23 |