RAONE - Ra-One Numbers

In the War between good and evil . Ra-One is on the evil side and G-One on the good side.

Ra-One is fond of destroying cities and its G-one's duty to protect them..


Ra-One loves to destroy cities whose Zip Code has special properties. He says he loves to destroy cities which have Ra-One numbers as their Zip Code.

Any number is Ra-one if the Difference between Sum of digits at even location and Sum of digits at odd location is One (1).. For eg... for 234563 is Ra-One number

digits at odd location are 3,5,3 (unit place is location 1 )

digits at even location are 2,4,6

Diff = (2+4+6)-(3+5+3)=12-11 = 1.

And 123456 is not Ra-One number

diff = (5+3+1) - (2+4+6) = -4


G-One knows this about Ra-one and wants to deploy his Army members in those cities. 1 army member will be deployed in each city.

G-one knows the range of ZIP-Codes where Ra-One might attack & needs your help to find out how many army members he needs.

Can you help Him ?


First line will have only one integer 't' number of Zip-Code ranges. it is followed by t lines

Each line from 2nd line contains 2 integer 'from'  and 'to'. These indicate the range of Zip codes where Ra-one might attack. ('From' and 'to' are included in the range)

NOTE:'t' will be less than 100. 'from' and 'to' will be between 0 and 10^8 inclusive.


A single number for each test case telling how many army members G-One needs to deploy.

each number should be on separate lines


1 10
10 100



for 1st test case the only number is 10

for 2nd test case numbers are 10, 21, 32, 43, 54, 65, 76, 87, 98

Added by:Devil D
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