PRIME1 - Prime Generator

Peter wants to generate some prime numbers for his cryptosystem. Help him! Your task is to generate all prime numbers between two given numbers!


The input begins with the number t of test cases in a single line (t<=10). In each of the next t lines there are two numbers m and n (1 <= m <= n <= 1000000000, n-m<=100000) separated by a space.


For every test case print all prime numbers p such that m <= p <= n, one number per line, test cases separated by an empty line.


1 10
3 5


Warning: large Input/Output data, be careful with certain languages (though most should be OK if the algorithm is well designed)


After cluster change, please consider PRINT as a more challenging problem.

Added by:Adam Dzedzej
Time limit:6s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: NODEJS PERL6

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2016-06-16 03:20:23
yeah, time limit exceeded. come on?
2016-06-13 16:17:58
Time limit exceeds all the time!
2016-06-09 07:39:21
time limit exceeded??
2016-06-07 17:58:54
Only 2 submissions not TLE in nim. hahahaha.

Are we to hardcode a list of primes in the nim source code?
2016-06-07 11:00:10
C++ used about 2s and accepted, but lua got TLE with same algorithm
2016-06-06 12:42:48
My algorithm is working fine on ideaone as well as locally even with large values. But I keep getting Runtime Error NZEC. Has anyone else seen this issue?
2016-06-03 17:49:00
time limit exceeded. java is slow language, so PROBLEM SETTERS should give more time limit if the answer is in java.

There's 1000 java users under 0.36s, time limit is 6s. You need to improve your method.

Last edit: 2016-06-03 22:25:03
2016-06-01 10:10:48
time limit exceeded, no idea why????
2016-06-01 01:20:38
those who are getting runtime error in python don't do it with files
2016-05-26 15:15:46
IdeOne says Osec but SPOJ says time exceeded
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