Cho 1 số nguyên N (tối đa 1000 chữ số). Hãy tìm số lớn nhất có được sau khi xóa 1 chữ số trong N.

 For an integer N (1000 digits). Look for the largest number by deleting one digit in N.


  • Dòng đầu chứa T (T<100) là số bộ test.
  • The first line contains T (T <100) is the number of test cases.
  • T dòng sau mỗi dòng chứa 1 số nguyên dương N (N>9) không quá 1000 chữ số.
  • T line after each line contains an integer N (N> 9) of no more than 1000 words.


  • T dòng, mỗi dòng chứa 1 kết quả tương ứng.
  • T lines, each containing a corresponding result.





Added by:Phạm Quang Chiến PROPTIT_D12CN2
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)

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2013-08-02 20:58:11 Mitch Schwartz
I'm just waiting for a rejudge; see http://www.spoj.com/tutorials/PS/#edit toward the bottom of that section; you may search the page for "Rejudge".

As to setting contests, please see http://www.spoj.com/tutorials/CS/ . If you have specific questions that aren't answered in that tutorial, I might be able to help.

Note that these tutorials are available from the side menu, underneath "my account".

Last edit: 2013-08-02 20:59:05
2013-08-02 17:50:46 Phạm Quang Chiến PROPTIT_D12CN2
please unhide my problem because i fixed my problem.

I want to do is contest-setter to create a group.

Can you help me ?

Last edit: 2013-08-02 17:51:14
2013-08-02 15:39:33 Mitch Schwartz
Rejudge means to evaluate previous submissions again, so if you do a rejudge then my NZEC will turn into AC, and similarly for other users.

Is this problem intended for your peers at university? If so, you might want to consider adding a new private contest for that purpose. For publishing in the main problem set, you should consider the interests of a wider audience, and restricting the languages for what I see as an arbitrary reason only has the effect of alienating a large portion of that audience.

Edit: Oh I see now you've enabled all languages; cool. (Sometimes when you update such things, the effect isn't immediately visible for a little while, because of server cache and whatnot.)

Last edit: 2013-08-02 15:43:30
2013-08-02 14:39:41 Phạm Quang Chiến PROPTIT_D12CN2
@Mitch Schwartz i fixed my problem.
i restricted language because my university learning thí language.
2013-08-02 14:31:11 Mitch Schwartz
The test data seems ok, thanks for fixing that. :) Before I unhide, please:

1) Allow all languages, or give a justification for the language restriction.
2) Rejudge all submissions, making sure to check the box "Refresh cached info about test sequence".
2013-08-02 14:31:11 Phạm Quang Chiến PROPTIT_D12CN2
please check my problem and unhide my problem
2013-08-02 14:31:11 Phạm Quang Chiến PROPTIT_D12CN2
@Mitch Schwartz you're right! thank you very much.I will check carefully before upload.
2013-08-02 14:31:11 Mitch Schwartz
@Phạm Quang Chiến PROPTIT_D12CN2: Just because there are people who got AC doesn't mean test data is correct. As my NZEC just now indicates, there is an input file that is either empty or completely filled with whitespace. My guess is that you kept the default test case #0 (with 0 byte input file and 0 byte output file), which of course is invalid. People only got AC because they found a workaround. (And I got AC on first try because I read the comments and guessed the issue.) To me it's extremely annoying that several people pointed out the issue to you and you insist on thinking you're right and everyone else is wrong, when you obviously didn't look into it. You should try solving some problems before publishing. If it were up to me I would revoke your problem setting privileges.

Last edit: 2013-08-01 10:30:51
2013-08-02 14:31:11 Phạm Quang Chiến PROPTIT_D12CN2
now there are twelve people do this exercise, so you check your answers please !
2013-08-02 14:31:11 Mitch Schwartz
Problem hidden. See comments below mine for why. You may make appropriate changes and leave a new comment asking for the problem to be made visible again.

And, the problem is permanently in tutorial.

Last edit: 2013-07-26 18:07:42
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