NSORT - Name Sorting


The king of Byteland wants a make a family ancestral archive. Now you being the best coder in the country have been called by the king in order t
do this task for him. This will require a lot of work, but first the king wants to test your capability. He will give you list of names his ancestors
you have to sort them in increasing manner. Now here the catch is that each name is of the format "FirstName Roman-number". Firstly they must be sorted
lexicographically as per their FirstName, and in case the FirstName is same they must be sorted as per the Roman-number accredited to them. For sorting as per
the Roman-number consider the integer value they represent.

The king of Byteland wants a make a family ancestral archive. Now you being the best coder in the country have been called by the king in order to do this task for him. This will require a lot of work, but first the king wants to test your capability. He will give you list of names his ancestors you have to sort them in increasing manner. Now here the catch is that each name is of the format "FirstName Roman-number". Firstly they must be sorted lexicographically as per their FirstName, and in case the FirstName is same they must be sorted as per the Roman-number accredited to them. For sorting as per the Roman-number consider the integer value they represent.

Facts about Roman-numbers:


  • The Roman numerals for 1 through 10 are I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, and X.
  • The Roman numerals for 20, 30, 40, and 50 are XX, XXX, XL, and L.
  • The Roman numeral for any other two-digit number less than 50 can be constructed by concatenating the numeral for its tens and the numeral for its ones. 
  • For example, 47 is 40 + 7 = "XL" + "VII" = "XLVII".




The first line contains T(<=10): number of test cases.

Each test on the first line will have N(<=1000), the number of names you need to sort. 

The next N lines contain N names in the above specified manner 

(The integral value of the Roman-numbers will be in range of 1 to 50 both inclusive.)


For each of the T test cases print N line having the names sorted in ascending order.


Sample Input:

Louis IX
Louis VIII
Philippe VI
Jean II
Charles V
Charles VII
Charles VI
Louis XI

Sample Output:

Louis VIII
Louis IX
Charles V
Charles VI
Charles VII
Jean II
Louis XI
Philippe VI

Added by:Abhra
Time limit:2s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64

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2014-04-05 12:12:01 Francky
There's still a roman-decimal problem here at spoj. This one don't give many much work. Moved to tutorial. (edit : ok for sample, there's two cases ;-)

Last edit: 2014-04-05 12:56:11
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