NAKANJ - Minimum Knight moves !!!

Anjali and Nakul are good friends. They both had a quarrel recently while playing chess. Nakul wants to know the minimum number of moves a knight takes to reach from one square to another square of a chess board (8 × 8). Nakul is brilliant and he had already written a program to solve the problem. Nakul wants to know whether Anjali can do it. Anjali is very weak in programming. Help her to solve the problem.

A knight can move in the shape of an "L" in a chessboard - two squares either forward, backward, left, or right and then one square to its left or right. A knight move is valid if it moves as mentioned above and it is within the boundary of the chessboard (8 × 8).



There are T test cases in total. The next T lines contain two strings (start and destination) separated by a space.

The strings start and destination will only contain two characters - First character is an alphabet between 'a' and 'h' (inclusive), Second character is a digit between '1' and '8' (inclusive) - (Quotes just for clarity).

To know the knight moves more clearly refer to the above figure.


Print the minimum number of moves a knight takes to reach from start to destination in a separate line.


1 <= T <= 4096


a1 h8
a1 c2
h8 c3


Added by:Nakul Krishna
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:Used for Code it - Vidyut 2012 - Amrita University

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2024-03-24 18:57:55
Yo!! done in one... Just simple BFS
2023-01-24 17:14:41
AC in 4294967296 goes :D so proud
2023-01-15 11:30:09
check validity of children cells and reset visited and level array for each test case. :) got AC in 3rd go bcz of a silly mistake.
2023-01-12 15:29:26
[Simes]: Read the footer - Don't post source code here, use the forum.

Last edit: 2023-01-12 16:10:40
2022-09-27 13:45:14
nice question
2022-09-20 15:14:58
For python users try submit in pypy ,
it took me 4 wrong submission to realize it ,
got ac++
2022-08-15 01:31:50
solved in one go
2022-05-11 15:39:51
boom, in second go. first was silly bad.
2021-10-23 05:41:58
Can anyone check why when i submit all the "&&" in my c++ code become &¤,giving me compile error? Thank you.

Edit: && current;=&¤t; ,since & curren is ¤

Last edit: 2021-10-23 05:58:58
2021-10-14 04:39:16
ainem, I think you've forgotten set visited[stx][sty] to true at the beginning of BFS function.
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