MANIP001 - Basic text manipulation 01

Some documents in telecom domain specifies information in a stupid bad style.

One of those styles, is to write many parameters in a single line.

In this problem you will be given the input in the following format:

TYPE 1:[space?]<A_NUMBER>[space?], TYPE 2:[space?]<B_NUMBER>[space?], TYPE 3:[space?]<C_NUMBER>[space?], TYPE details:[space?]<D_TEXT>

You will extract the parameters and write them in the following style:



t: number of test cases 1<= t <=20

Then comes t lines with the following format (bold text is for parameters)

TYPE 1:[space?]<A_NUMBER>[space?], TYPE 2:[space?]<B_NUMBER>[space?], TYPE 3:[space?]<C_NUMBER>[space?], TYPE details:[space?]<D_TEXT>

<A_NUMBER>: An Integer between 0 and 100 

<B_NUMBER>: An Integer between 0 and 100 OR empty IF A_NUMBER IS 0

<C_NUMBER>: An Integer between 0 and 100 OR empty IF B_NUMBER IS (0 or empty)

<D_TEXT>: A string of readable characters, the length of it is between 1 and 20  

[space?]: means that there might be a space there.


t lines, each of the following format


Where B_NUMBER_x is B_NUMBER or NULL if B_NUMBER was empty

and     C_NUMBER_x is C_NUMBER or NULL if C_NUMBER was empty

Note the single quotes around <D_TEXT>.


TYPE 1: 2, TYPE 2: 0, TYPE 3: , TYPE details: n/a
TYPE 1: 2, TYPE 2: 1, TYPE 3:0 , TYPE details: nothing
TYPE 1: 0, TYPE 2: , TYPE 3: , TYPE details: nice Output: (2,0,NULL,'n/a')

Added by:Mostafa 36a2
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)

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