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LUCKYN - Lucky Numbers |
Shrek and Kung Fu Panda once met after having no forthcoming prequels. They quickly noticed that both of them were superstitious and this helped them bond a lot.
Shrek believes that the number 4 is lucky and Kung Fu Panda believes that number 7 is lucky. You being their friend want to list down numbers in increasing order that consist only of 4 or 7.
The first few elements of the list are 4, 7, 44, 47, 74, 77, 444 ... You must answer the n-th (1-based, 4 is the 1st term of the sequence).
The first line contains the number of test-cases T.
The following T-lines contains an integer n.
T ≤ 10,000
n ≤ 1,000,000,000
Print the n-th term in the sequence of lucky numbers.
Input: 6 1 20 300 4000 50000 1000000000 Output: 4 4747 44747747 77774744447 744447747474447 77477744774747744747444444447
Added by: | .:: Pratik ::. |
Date: | 2011-03-07 |
Time limit: | 1.528s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: ASM64 |
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2018-06-17 07:39:46
Enjoyed figuring this out. |
2014-11-10 10:25:54 Siya
Can you provide any tricky test cases because i have checked almost all manually and finding my solution correct Mistake was mine only :)Finally AC Last edit: 2014-11-10 10:49:25 |
2012-10-05 06:03:10 Naveen Kumar
i m getting wrong answer, why? while i cheked for all test cases.i m nt getting where i have missed? |