HOTELS - Hotels Along the Croatian Coast

There are N hotels along the beautiful Adriatic coast. Each hotel has its value in Euros.

Sroljo has won M Euros on the lottery. Now he wants to buy a sequence of consecutive hotels, such that the sum of the values of these consecutive hotels is as great as possible - but not greater than M.

You are to calculate this greatest possible total value.


In the first line of the input there are integers N and M (1 ≤ N ≤ 300 000, 1 ≤ M < 231).

In the next line there are N natural numbers less than 106, representing the hotel values in the order they lie along the coast.


Print the required number (it will be greater than 0 in all of the test data).


5 12
2 1 3 4 5
4 9
7 3 5 6

Added by:Adrian Satja Kurdija
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:that would be me

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2017-06-01 17:55:01
Awesome. Learn Two pointer.Brute Force will only show you orange TLE.
2017-05-02 09:47:28 Shubham Jadhav
sliding window is the way to go :)
2017-05-01 15:11:21
Spoj comments are cancer.
everybody will be boasting that they got AC in x.y seconds, AC in one go !!!!! and bs++
instead of sharing something valuable.
C'mon we are supposed to do better guys.
2017-04-21 08:58:31
TLE despite going from O(n^2) to O(n). Hopeless. #java
2017-04-02 22:05:29
got ac in O(N). approach was like bruth force but took help of the previous step's sum to optimize the inner loop and made it O(N) :D
2017-03-29 17:45:34
solved using binary_search AC in one go !!
2017-03-28 17:40:06
Who can help me? So, I summit some times but this return time limit exceeded for me. Because, this is my first solution. I have tested with some case as below:
5 12
2 1 3 4 5

4 9
7 3 5 6
6 5
6 7 3 1 8 5
8 63
8 32 1 5 4 9 12 3 .

The result is correct. Thanks for answer
2017-03-25 10:56:05
Come on SPOJ, tle in java but AC in CPP. So, many times this happened to me.
2017-03-08 21:56:04
rolling pointer, AC in one go ! :))
2017-03-04 10:15:52
AC in one GO..!! O(N) Two pointers
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