GPACALC - Calculate your GPA

Design a calculator to calculate your GPA. Possible grades are S, A, B, C, D and E. S corresponds to 10 credits, A to 9, B to 8, C to 7, D to 6 and E to 5. There are n subjects. Each subject has a number of credits and the grade obtained by the student.

GPA of the student is the summation of [[grades obtained multiplied by the number of credits for each subject]] divided by the total number of credits. For example, if input is n = 3 and three subjects have credits 3, 4 and 5. A student has obtained grade S, A and B respectively, then GPA = (3*10 + 4*9 + 5*8)/(3+4+5)


First line consists of t, the number of test cases (1 <= t <= 20). Each test case starts with n, the number of subjects (1 <= n <= 16). The next n lines consist of credits for that subject followed by grade obtained by the student (1 <= credits <= 10 and grade will be one among S, A, B, C, D and E)


For each test case, print the GPA of the student rounded off to two decimal places.


4 D
1 E
1 S
3 D
1 E
2 A
4 A
4 A
3 C
1 C
1 B
2 D


Added by:Pandian
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)

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2013-12-22 09:13:04 yaswanth
2013-12-22 04:28:04 anurag garg
finally AC after 5 WA
do rounding off very very carefully...
2013-12-22 00:06:06 Shivam
how exactly are we expected to round off ? 3 WAs :(
2013-12-21 23:14:57 Sameer
Please move to tutorial...
2013-12-21 20:41:30 Prashant Kiran
Thanks :)...will look into it
2013-12-21 20:35:00 Bhavik
what u have done is not rounding how to round off for your answer
2013-12-21 20:33:58 Prashant Kiran
Bhavik can you explain what is the fault in my rounding off?
2013-12-21 20:32:38 Bhavik
finally ac:))
but waste of time...depends on how you round off your o/p!!!
2013-12-21 20:30:05 Prashant Kiran
what is the error in the code <snip>

Last edit: 2023-03-31 23:49:42
2013-12-21 20:27:56 Bhavik
@Prashant: we have to print o/p after each test case
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