FORMAT - HTML Formatting


You have been given formatted text and asked to converted it HTML.
Each character may be formatted as bold, italic, underlined, or some combination.
In HTML, content between <b> and </b> tags is bold. Content between <i> and </i> tags is italic. Content between <u> and </u> tags is underlined.
What is the minimum number of properly nested HTML tags needed to produce a given format?
For example, say we wanted to format <i><b>LookAt</b>Me</i>!
  • <b><i>LookAt</b>Me</i>! has incorrectly nested tags.
  • <b><i>LookAt</i></b><i>Me</i>! has correctly nested tags, but is longer than necessary.
  • <i><b>LookAt</b>Me</i>! is the shortest and uses the fewest number of tags.


There will be a sequence of 1 to 20,000 numerals. Each numeral denotes the formatting at that position.
  • 0 - no formatting
  • 1 - bold
  • 2 - italic
  • 3 - bold and italic
  • 4 - underlined
  • 5 - bold and underlined
  • 6 - italic and underlined
  • 7 - bold, italic, and underlined
(There is no need to actually specify the content, since that will not affect the answer.)
The example earlier would be given as 333333220.


The minimum number of <b>, </b>, <i>, </i>, <u>, and </u> tags required.
Input Input Input Input
Output Output Output Output

Added by:BYU Admin
Time limit:1s-2.5s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64

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2014-07-07 11:21:27 Satyaki Upadhyay
@Avinash The tags need to be properly nested. So the order in which you insert opening or closing braces is important.
2014-01-13 14:57:46 Avinash
@Satyaki I'm also getting 8.
2014-01-09 13:58:38 Satyaki Upadhyay
@nitish answer for176751 should be 8 right?
the underscores indicate character positions
2013-11-19 22:22:37 samfisher
@nitish I am getting 16 for your test case , any idea what i am doing wrong
2013-11-11 16:35:02 nitish rao
Check this one : 176751. Ans:14.
@anirudh: i was also getting 16. Thats why no AC yet. :(

Last edit: 2013-11-21 15:50:00
2013-11-05 11:22:21 Andrey Maksimenko
Mauro Persano: thank you, but this didn't help. Posted to forum. Will be appreciate for any ideas.
2013-11-04 21:36:02 Mauro Persano
Andrey Maksimenko: I read the input with scanf, but got WA until I trimmed invalid characters (not 0-7) at the end of the input string. That could be your problem.
2013-11-04 17:17:16 Andrey Maksimenko
I'm getting answer 54 for "12364012375303657213412303", but still WA, any tricky test cases please?
2013-10-31 21:20:51 :D
Note it must be properly nested.
2013-10-29 21:02:11 aman jain
how is the answer for case "12364012375303657213412303" is 54. I think it should be 44.
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