FLIB - Flibonakki

G(n) is defined as

G(n) = G(n-1) + f(4n-1) , for n > 0

and G(0) = 0

f(i) is ith Fibonacci number. Given n you need to evaluate G(n) modulo 1000000007.


First line contains number of test cases t (t < 40000). Each of the next t lines contain an integer n (0 <= n < 2^51).


For each test case print G(n) modulo 1000000007.




Added by:Prof_Utonium_ಉಮೆಶ್
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64 JS-RHINO OBJC SQLITE
Resource:MNNIT IOPC 2010

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2012-12-31 01:27:53 Francky
I was waiting for that moment since almost a year !!! It's feasible in Python !!! My code has 888 Bytes, do a small precomp part, then for each n compute flib(n) with only 6 mul(32+32=64bits) and 4 mod operations (and few other small ops). My IO are not magic, so it can be much faster.
2012-12-30 15:59:08 (Tjandra Satria Gunawan)(曾毅昆)
-My first submission 8 months ago is using 5x5 matrix and got AC in 0.84s
-Now I try with 3x3 matrix and got AC again in 0.36s
-Then I try again with 2x2 matrix and AC again in 0.26s
-Next step, I reduce modulo operation and AC again in 0.16s
-After that, I use small precomputation and AC in 0.12s
-Finally fixing my fast I/O and submit again, AC in 0.11s
Nice problem, found so many trick for optimization.. and my best is 0.11s, I still curious how to get accepted in ~0.03s...
2012-09-13 20:23:05 StupidGuy
What is ans for 2^51-1 ?
val for 2^51-1 is 847805763
Very tough to get AC in java

Last edit: 2012-09-14 22:28:34
2012-08-10 20:31:32 god_father
do not use unnecessary modulo it cost me 2 times TLE...
2011-12-23 18:01:55 Prakhar Jain
what's the problem here....even 2*2 matrix with log(n) solution is exceeding time limit........:(

Last edit: 2011-12-23 19:34:38
2011-12-04 13:16:20 manu
Ahh... Done finally!! :)
2011-10-01 19:16:24 Gurpreet Singh
'0' is not in the input file. My code which stops working if input = 0 , got AC.
2011-09-27 16:33:50 bashrc is back
2*2 without any optimization....(even with redundancy) gave me AC
Time limit is fair...Just use pen and paper for expanding the series...
2011-07-12 10:05:11 darryl
fun problem. enjoyed solving it
2011-07-07 22:32:37 Kunal
Can some one provide some big test cases with correct answers .

Thanks in advance.
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