FINDWINNER - Find the Winner

N students of AIUB are playing a points-based card game. Each of its M round all of the N players will get different points. After M rounds all players will calculate their total point by summing up their points of all M rounds. Then among the students the winner will be the person having the maximum point. Now you have to calculate the maximum point among all players after the M round.


The input file starts with an integer T (1<=T<=100) the number of test cases. Each case will start with two integer N and M where N (1<=N<=100) denotes the number of players and M (1<=N<=100) denotes the number of rounds. Then next each of M lines contains N positive integers Pi (0<=Pi<=1000000000000) where Pi is the point of i-th player.


For every case print the maximum point among all players. Every new case should be printed in a new line.


4 3
7 8 3 5
5 6 7 1
3 6 9 9
3 2
50 75 95
10 10 0


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