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FINDLR - Find Linear Recurrence |
You are given the first integers (modulo ) of an infinite integer sequence that satisfies an integer-coefficient linear recurrence relation of order .
That is, they satisfy for , where are integer constants.
Find modulo .
The first line contains (), the number of test cases.
Each test case consists of two lines:
- First line contains () and ().
- Next line contains integers (modulo ).
Note: is not necessarily a prime.
For each test case, output modulo .
6 1 16 4 8 1 10 4 8 2 64 13 21 34 55 2 27 13 21 7 1 3 1000000007 32 16 8 4 2 1 2 64 13 21 34 56
0 6 25 8 500000004 40
Added by: | Min_25 |
Date: | 2017-10-20 |
Time limit: | 5s-15s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All |
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2018-03-14 07:45:42
@min_25 --> it was better you give tutorial for your problems(all) or give some article about knowledge of solving your problems! Last edit: 2018-03-15 10:36:25 |
2018-01-01 05:22:03 Min_25
@zimpha: Thank you! |
2017-12-31 16:28:25 zimpha
@Min_25 Very nice problem! |
2017-12-16 12:38:14 Min_25
@Scape: Each c_i is an integer. So, there are no such cases. |
2017-12-16 12:28:39 Scape
If M is not a prime, sometimes there might be no solution. For example, what should be the output for the fifth case if M is 4? 3 4 32 16 8 4 2 1 Can you please check and clarify? |
2017-10-21 02:39:05 Min_25
@Blue.Mary Thank you. I did not know that problem. I think DYEL is a little easier than this because (a_i) are given in Z. However, some solutions in DYEL might be used for this problem with little modification. Last edit: 2017-10-21 03:08:22 |
2017-10-21 02:15:04 [Rampage] Blue.Mary
I'm not sure if this problem coincide with this one: Cound the author have a look at this? |