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FIBOSUM2 - Fibonacci extraction Sum |
Some people may found FIBOSUM a too easy problem. We propose here a useful variation.
Fib is the Fibonacci sequence:
For any positive integer i: if i<2 Fib(i) = i, else Fib(i) = Fib(i-1) + Fib(i-2)
The first line of input contains an integer
T, the number of test cases.
On each of the next T lines, your are given
tree integers c, k, N.
Print Sum(Fib(ki+c) for i in [1..N]).
As the answer could not fit in a 64-bit container, just output your answer modulo 1000000007.
Input: 1 3 5 2 Output: 254
Index-1 Fib sequence : 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, ...
We want the 5*1+3 = 8th and 5*2+3 = 13th ones, thus the answer is 21 + 233 = 254.
0 < T <= 60606 0 <= c < k <= 2^15 0 < N <= 10^18
The numbers c,k,N are uniform randomly chosen in their range.
For your information, constraints allow 1.3kB of Python3 code to get AC in 6.66s, it could be hard.
A fast C-code can get AC under 0.15s.
Warning: Here is Pyramid cluster, you can try the tutorial edition (clone with Cube cluster).
Have fun ;-)
Edit(2017-02-11) : With compiler changes, my fast C code ends in 0.01s, my Python3 ones in 0.31s. New TL is 0.5s.
Added by: | Francky |
Date: | 2014-04-05 |
Time limit: | 0.5s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: ASM64 |
Resource: | Own Problem |
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2018-05-31 10:21:24
My code is running at 0.75s in FIBOSUMT, but it's giving tle here ... How to optimize it more ? =(Francky)=> Try to work with polynomials instead of matrix each time it's possible. Matrix are slow things. Last edit: 2018-06-03 17:15:09 |
2016-02-10 09:00:25 [Rampage] Blue.Mary
I know there's some mathematical way to solve this problem which I don't know now; however, I have to use heavy constant optimization to pass the time limit with my strategy(with little math knowledge). Last edit: 2016-02-10 09:01:57 |
2015-08-06 21:00:23 Francky
With the migration Pyramid => Cube ; some time_limit_s were not chosen by psetter ; here is a case. I will rejudge all submissions with 1s as time_limit, as it is now, it's too near from FIBOSUMT. Thanks for your comprehension. Edit : Done : my old C code ended in 0.02s, and my Py3.4 ended in 0.69s ; with cube cluster. Last edit: 2015-08-06 21:06:00 |
2015-08-06 18:19:26
!!!! Last edit: 2015-08-06 18:52:30 |
2014-04-08 22:02:48 (Tjandra Satria Gunawan)(曾毅昆)
Thank you for "relax" time limit :D --ans(Francky)--> ;-) You know that I like when a problem is Python3 possible. Good job : even with "relax" time, it's not easy. Last edit: 2014-04-08 22:32:10 |