Abotrika is having a party because his team won the African cup so he is inviting his friends to eat some pizza. Unfortunately, his friends can't eat an entire pizza but all of them know exactly how much pizza they can eat and insist on getting the exact amount of pizza but Abotrika eats one complete pizza and all of them wants his amount of pizza in one slice. Their requests break down to three different pizza slices-either one quarter or a half or three quarters of pizza.

Write a program that will help Abotrika to find out what is the minimal number of pizzas he has to order so that everyone gets exact amount of pizza they want.


First line contains an integer N, 0 ≤ N ≤ 10 000, the number of friends. In each of next N lines there is amount of pizza that each of Abotrika's friends wants to eat, that is the fraction 1/4, 1/2 or 3/4.


In the first and only line you should write the minimal number of pizzas Abotrika has to order don't forget to order one complete pizza for Abotrika.

Example 1



Example 2



Added by:Kawmia Institutes
Time limit:0.204s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64 BF LISP sbcl LISP clisp JS-RHINO LUA OBJC PHP VB.NET
Resource:Croatian Highschool Competitions in Informatics 2004

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2016-01-22 12:59:56 Rudra Nil Basu
Nice problem! AC in first go! :D Test cases really helped.
2016-01-20 06:59:30
Got an AC after 2 WA. Test cases here helped. Try all the test cases available here. for a hint to solve the problem, think in terms of the possible combinations.
2016-01-06 10:47:48 Rafat
AC in one go! used map.first think how many whole pizzas are possible then take care of the fractions . :)
2015-12-27 12:53:20
AC after WA just because i put > instead of >= , missed that case, good problem ;)
No need of sorting and stuf, just maintain count of all 3 of them, manipulate :-)
2015-12-27 12:53:05 Junaid
Nice problem......AC in one go.....all testcases given in comments helped a lot....Thanks for those...
2015-12-24 22:51:50 Shubham Gupta
I had multiple wa(s) just because i was reading i/p using strings. Changed it to scanf(" %d / %d ",&a,&b) and got ac.
2015-12-19 16:46:11
Can any one explain why having 4 friends who want 1/4th pizza each lead to an answer of 3? Shouldn't the answer be 2? I am testing it with spoj toolkit.
2015-09-26 02:36:03
List + quicksorte
The biggest challenge to date
Tnks Spoj , tnk boys by inputs

golden egg : think of working with the data sorted descending , so do not mistake!

Last edit: 2015-09-26 02:38:08
2015-08-20 12:04:12 Parul Yadav
my 150th
2015-08-19 22:40:00 Rajat Varshney
Good Problem to learn....
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