EASTERD - Easter festival date

A friend of mine has lost his cellular phone, and so his calendar.

Help him find the easter festival date of the year Y. (1584 < Y < 16000,)


N lines.

Each line of the input contains Y. The last line ends with EOF.


Output consist of exactly N lines.

The format of one line of output is: "Y: D M"

where D, M = day and month name in the Gregorian calendar.



2012: 8 April

Added by:legrand
Time limit:1s
Source limit:5000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64

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2013-08-15 06:38:05 legrand
This problem had been moved from classical to tutorial cause some similitudes of the algo with the TEASTER numerix tutorial problem
(problem number 8749)
You may try this problem before, it's easer than TEASTER
and it's a real problem of the real life.

Last edit: 2013-08-15 06:55:41
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