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DIVFACT - Divisors of factorial |
Given a number, find the total number of divisors of the factorial of the number.
Since the answer can be very large, print answer modulo 109+7.
The first line contains T, number of testcases.
T lines follows each containing the number N.
Print T lines of output each containing the answer.
Input: 3 2 3 4 Output: 2 4 8
1 <= T <= 500
0 <= N <= 50000
Added by: | ivar.raknahs |
Date: | 2015-01-17 |
Time limit: | 1s |
Source limit: | 50000B |
Memory limit: | 1536MB |
Cluster: | Cube (Intel G860) |
Languages: | All except: ASM64 JS-MONKEY |
Resource: | Own |
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2016-05-24 20:23:50
Hey author, please check my code,its giving right answers to almost each one, and stated correct by a frnd having ac in this , please tell me where i m wrong....... |
2016-04-18 08:47:52
1 TLE due to silly mistake !!! Nice ques for practice Sieve . :P |
2016-03-19 13:30:49
giving nzec with java |
2016-02-29 17:57:57 rahul_verma
just change little bit in PTIME code and got AC |
2016-02-08 16:07:40
Strore primes during sieve...cost me 7 TLE's ..finally Accepted |
2016-01-17 19:16:45 Vmcode
Silly mistake caused 3 WA, 0->1 1->1 gud question |
2016-01-05 02:38:18
I ran code in python gave TLE.....then implemented it using c ..accepted. Why is it? |
2016-01-01 16:37:28
My 50th :) |
2015-12-30 13:38:54
@Pawe: Each problem can have it's own limit, but most clearly say "Source limit: 50000B" |
2015-12-30 00:31:25 Pawe³ Ma¶luch
I don't know where to ask this question, so maybe here ... What is the source code limit for ? |