CPTTRN1 - Character Patterns (Act 1)

Using two characters: . (dot) and * (asterisk) print a chessboard-like pattern. The first character printed should be * (asterisk).


You are given t < 100 - the number of test cases and for each of the test cases two positive integers: l - the number of lines and c - the number of columns in the pattern (l, c < 100).


For each of the test cases output the requested pattern (please have a look at the example). Use one line break in between successive patterns.


3 1
4 4
2 5




Added by:kuszi
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64

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2021-06-16 19:03:39
there's no space given between '*' and '.'
2021-05-23 11:21:24
notice the pattern in the sum of i&j values.
2021-03-17 13:21:40
i'm having difficulty with this in cpp if anyone have the solution or hint to it please mail me = chiniagarwal15@gmail.com
2020-09-04 12:02:49
anyone want help notice odd and even lnes patterns are printed.
2019-08-15 15:50:59
My code works perfectly on ideone but it's showing wrong answer while submitting the same code downloaded from ideone.
2019-07-09 17:35:06
My code is working properly on ideone but it still shows runtime error. Help me!!
2019-02-17 06:00:10
my code is working exactly but this not taking my code saying wrong answer can any one help me
2018-09-06 09:53:31
Just don't forget to process the input for no of test cases before processing the test case itself
2018-08-29 17:14:10
can any one give me suggestion,in which manner i have to submit the program
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