Alice gives a simple task to Bob. The task is as follows: Given a string, Bob has to capitalize the first letter of every word in the string AND also replace the spaces between words by underscore("_"). Alice gives Bob a string containing lowercase words separated by one or more space characters and Bob should return a string that is same as the string except with the first character of each word capitalized and space replaced by underscore.


First line of input contains T, the number of test cases. The following T lines contain input strings each on a new line.


Print the test case index followed by the processed string.


  • The string may have leading or trailing spaces.
  • The string will contain between 1 and 50 characters, inclusive.
  • Each character of string will either be a space or a lowercase letter ('a' to 'z').
  • T is less than 50.


the hobbit
an unexpected   journey
dream share innovate

Case#1: The_Hobbit
Case#2: An_Unexpected___Journey
Case#3: Dream_Share_Innovate
Case#4: A

Added by:Rishikesh Jha
Time limit:0.100s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:BIT Mesra, CQM

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2013-02-06 09:42:04 :D
First of all, moving to tutorial since it's trivial. Second internal error is probably due to some bad settings in the problem. Hiding it for now. Author please check this, especially judge settings.
2013-02-06 09:42:04 Rishikesh Jha
All solutions have been rejudged.
2013-02-06 09:42:04 Ranker
What is internal error?? I am getting it every time I submit!
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