CAPL - String

String is an important part of C programming. Though it's so easy, new programmers think it's hard. You will be given a string and you need to print it but the first letter of every word will be in capital letter.


You will be given a string. String will have no more than 50000 characters. The string is a line and words are space separated.


print the string as discribed in the problem statement.


I am a student oF SEC.

I Am A Student OF SEC.

Added by:sabbir
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)

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2021-02-04 17:59:25 David
Is the input always 1 string of words, or will there be multiple lines?

Last edit: 2021-02-04 18:00:56
2017-12-05 01:48:42
Code that contains nothing but:

s = input()

.. gives NZEC. I don't even..
2017-12-03 15:47:05
move to tutorial
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