CANDY - Candy I

Jennifer is a teacher in the first year of a primary school. She has gone for a trip with her class today. She has taken a packet of candies for each child. Unfortunately, the sizes of the packets are not the same.

Jennifer is afraid that each child will want to have the biggest packet of candies and this will lead to quarrels or even fights among children. She wants to avoid this. Therefore, she has decided to open all the packets, count the candies in each packet and move some candies from bigger packets to smaller ones so that each packet will contain the same number of candies. The question is how many candies she has to move.

Input specification

The input file consists of several blocks of data. Each block starts with the number of candy packets N (1<= N <=10000) followed by N integers (each less than 1000) in separate lines, giving the number of candies in each packet. After the last block of data there is the number -1.

Output specification

The output file should contain one line with the smallest number of moves for each block of data. One move consists of taking one candy from a packet and putting it into another one. If it is not possible to have the same number of candies in each packet, output the number -1.


Input file:

Output file:

Added by:Fudan University Problem Setters
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: C99 ERL JS-RHINO
Resource:IPSC 1999

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2014-03-13 07:15:33 fordex
any tricky test case?
2014-02-07 22:15:09 Moises Trovó
WTF, same solution gives WA in C and Accepted for python!!
2014-01-23 16:49:35 Hector Monteo

You are initializing variables outside the loop, so that when they enter the second loop are different from zero.
2013-12-26 16:00:17 P_Quantum
2013-12-25 18:46:31 malli
Is it possible in java? need it safe to use Arrays.sort() or is it the reason for TLE
2013-12-07 13:52:40 ping_of_death
easy one..........but \n cause me two wa...
2013-10-28 15:54:43 Thirupathi T
my O(n) solution gives TLE
is ther any better solution or should I just optimize it
2013-09-18 05:25:23 Ajay
please provide some test cases...... stuck at WA..
2013-08-24 08:42:45 joud zouzou
Im getting TLE for parsing the input twice
2013-08-19 06:49:48 californiagurl
what are the trick case?? i'm getting wrong ans and i just can't!!!
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