AMR11G - Here Be Dragons

The Triwizard Tournament's third task is to negotiate a corridor of many segments, and reach the other end. The corridor is N segments long. The ith segment is either empty or has a dragon. Harry cannot pass the dragon and will have no option but to retreat if he encounters one. Is it possible for him to reach the exit starting from the entrance?

Input (STDIN):
The first line contains the number of test cases T.
Each of the next T lines contains a string describing the corridor. The ith character is either a '.' if the segment is empty, or a 'D' if the segment contains a dragon.
Output (STDOUT):
Output T lines, each containing either the string "Possible" if you can reach the exit, and "You shall not pass!" if it is not possible to reach the exit.
1 <= T <= 50
1 <= N <= 50
Time Limit: 1 s
Memory Limit: 32 MB
Sample Input:
Sample Output:
You shall not pass!
You shall not pass!


The Triwizard Tournament's third task is to negotiate a corridor of many segments, and reach the other end. The corridor is N segments long. The ith segment is either empty or has a dragon. Harry cannot pass the dragon and will have no option but to retreat if he encounters one. Is it possible for him to reach the exit starting from the entrance?


Input (STDIN):

The first line contains the number of test cases T.

Each of the next T lines contains a string describing the corridor. The ith character is either a '.' if the segment is empty, or a 'D' if the segment contains a dragon.


Output (STDOUT):

Output T lines, each containing either the string "Possible" if you can reach the exit, and "You shall not pass!" if it is not possible to reach the exit.



1 <= T <= 50

1 <= N <= 50


Sample Input:






Sample Output:


You shall not pass!

You shall not pass!



Added by:Varun Jalan
Time limit:1s
Source limit:50000B
Memory limit:1536MB
Cluster: Cube (Intel G860)
Languages:All except: ASM64
Resource:Varun Jalan - ICPC Asia regionals, Amritapuri 2011

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2011-12-27 11:23:24 Aradhya
what is the q plzz sme xplain 2 me!!!!
2011-12-27 11:21:46 Aradhya
just cant understand..why my cde is not being accepted!!!!!
2011-12-26 06:59:55 PubLic_AvenGeR
one f d easiest....
2011-12-24 13:30:15 Vivek Vardhan
tutorial problem
2012-01-26 23:54:46 ~neo~
2011-12-19 12:14:49 blashyrkh
Move to tutorial or allow only Brainf**k.
2011-12-19 08:43:00 Devil D
tutorial problem
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