list of problems

5659    Pascal’s triangle PASCAL_T 82 51.84
7532    Fibonacci check ISFIB 63 50.70
8198    Homogeneous area RECTAREA 22 50.45
6621    Binomial coefficient BINOMIAL 132 50.41
378    Size Contest SIZECON 445 50.41
6119    Function σ SIGMA_EN 60 49.65
6120    Totient function TOTIENT 57 49.59
6699    Type of triangle TRIAN 112 49.30
5675    Gregorian calendar GREGCAL 27 49.29
6366    Reverse Polish notation RPN 65 48.91
5642    Fibonacci numbers FIBON 572 48.66
6388    Next power of 2 POWEROF2 222 48.49
7483    C style constants CCONST 52 48.17
6646    Fully Parenthesized Expression BRACKETS 17 48.06
6088    Sorting points XYZ_SORT 78 47.18
5681    Factorial length FACTLENG 304 44.15
5656    Binary clock BINCLOCK 48 44.00
7032    Adding reversed numbers (challenge) ADDING 90 43.51
7105    Reverse the Input REVINPUT 70 43.09
6295    Area Difference SQDIFF 47 42.86
8435    Plotting functions PLOT 8 42.41
9029    The next and the previous palindrome NEXTPREV 37 42.38
8446    Sum of two primes PRIMESUM 15 42.02
11439    Area of an Irregular Polygon POLYGONA 7 41.40
7480    Nth Prime NPRIME 55 40.11
21015    Clock problems CLOCKPRO 3 37.93
7224    Prime or not ISPRIME 89 31.63
1690    Intercept INTER 19 30.99
246    Plant a Christmas Tree CTQUINE 28 30.67
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