list of problems

6626    Printing triangle ELGNAIRT 59 57.22
7324    Remake REMAKE 19 65.07
8919    Remove the Balls BALLSREM 10 61.71
8431    Revenge of the squares SQUAREV 18 61.57
6366    Reverse Polish notation RPN 65 48.91
7105    Reverse the Input REVINPUT 70 43.09
5671    Roman calculator ROMANCAL 39 59.89
6904    Shift SHIFT 27 63.15
8671    Short Prime Permutations SPRIMPER 17 56.99
378    Size Contest SIZECON 445 50.41
11790    Size Contest!!!Reloaded!! JH1 14 65.52
8432    Solving linear equations EQUASOLV 28 77.60
6088    Sorting points XYZ_SORT 78 47.18
9465    Spectrum of colours SPECTRUM 17 82.35
6630    Spiral SPIRAL 19 65.49
6454    Street parade (challenge) S_PARADE 53 54.64
8638    Sum of Fibonacci numbers FIBSUM 27 71.50
8446    Sum of two primes PRIMESUM 15 42.02
6597    Sums in a triangle (challenge) TRI_SUMS 494 61.60
9029    The next and the previous palindrome NEXTPREV 37 42.38
11815    Tiling a WxH Grid With Dominoes MNTILE 12 71.54
6120    Totient function TOTIENT 57 49.59
6529    Traversing Grid (challenge) TR_GRID 58 60.58
6699    Type of triangle TRIAN 112 49.30
8731    Waiting for Easter EASTER 20 76.22
6600    Weighing WEIGHING 21 68.38
7225    Word To Number WORDNUM 35 79.25
12996    Wow Square WOW_SQR 14 52.46
5678    Zeros of factorial FACTZERO 230 62.28
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