list of problems

2211    Mars Map NKMARS 154 90.31
2663    Triangles VTRI 33 94.59
2795    Steps VSTEPS 68 89.11
2798    Query on a tree again! QTREE3 68 89.72
2809    Blocks VBLOCKS 16 81.08
2811    Chessboard VBOARD 47 95.95
2814    The secret key MAKHOA 8 91.84
2819    The Nth digit NDIGIT 19 91.67
2820    The FA cup FACUP 14 91.67
2821    Counting paths in a complete graph CWAY 76 91.19
2828    Removing digits KDEL 34 92.93
2830    Integers INTEGER7 54 91.16
2831    Exploring the maze PCYCLE 16 96.15
2866    Help the PM! HELPPM 30 93.48
2890    Harry Potter and the Deathly Maze NHP 4 100.00
2904    Tribe TRIBE 17 95.24
2965    The mightiest kingdom KINGDOM 9 94.44
2969    Bin Laden BINLADEN 39 96.26
2970    Computer lab WIFI 9 96.43
3511    IOI08 Type Printer PRINTER 328 91.24
3513    IOI08 Islands ISLAND 166 89.20
3514    IOI08 Fish FISH 73 88.69
3515    IOI08 Linear Garden LGARDEN 179 92.10
3516    IOI08 Pyramid Base PYRBASE 52 90.22
3517    IOI08 Teleporters TPORTER 88 92.72
3549    IOI06 The Deciphering of Mayan Writing DMAYA 288 90.41
3551    IOI05 Garden BGARDEN 125 91.39
3555    IOI04 Artemis ARTEMIS 0 0.00
3557    IOI04 Hermes HERMES 107 92.36
3558    IOI04 Phidias GPHIDIAS 99 90.37
3560    IOI03 Boundary BOUNDARY 14 90.48
3561    IOI01 Depot FDEPOT 0 0.00
3562    IOI01 Twofive TWOFIVE 31 96.97
3563    IOI00 Palindrome CPALIN 172 89.42
4108    BOI 97 - Street Network BOI97SN 8 88.89
4675    IOI04 Empodia IOI04EMP 26 92.75
4676    IOI05 Mean Sequence IOI05MEA 99 89.47
4678    CEOI09 Harbingers CEOI09HA 76 91.77
4679    CEOI09 Photo CEOI09PH 27 89.06
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