list of dsa_final problems

34589    Error detection EIERROR 5 100.00
36634    Earned Credits EIUCRDT 36 95.24
36792     Installment purchase EIINPUR 5 100.00
37564    2020 Scholarship EIGPA20Q3 6 93.33
40185    SCHOLARSHIPS EISCH4 10 93.33
40186    STOCK MARKET EISHARE 6 80.00
40595    Products Average Selling Price EI20213FQ1 8 100.00
40596    Top Highest Net Income EI20213FQ2 9 94.12
40597    The Highest Revenue EI20213FQ3 9 100.00
40915    Employees Total Revenue EI2122Q1DSAF1 11 94.74
40916    Employees Working Hours EI2122Q1DSAF2 13 100.00
40917    Employees Wage EI2122Q1DSAF3 11 82.61
41273    Genshin Impact EIUGENSHIN 18 90.24
41274    Genshin Impact 2 EIUGENSHIN2 13 100.00
41275    Min Distance EIUMINDIST 41 92.11
41382    Class Attendance EIUATTEND1 16 92.86
41383    Lesson Attendance EIUATTEND2 15 95.00
41384    EIU Attendance EIUATTEND3 12 96.15
41385    Beloved Teacher EIUATTEND4 10 93.18
41925    Inventory Management EISTOCK4 15 87.80
41926    Exercise grades EIEXERGRD 32 94.95
42035    Merge Sort EIUMERSORT 122 90.83
42036    The total sales by day EIUDAILYSALE 15 93.10
42037    The highest sales by day EIUTOPSALES 13 94.44
42374    Store’s bank accounts EIUBKACCOUNT 6 95.24
42376    Store’s bank accounts 2 EIUBKACCOUNT2 4 100.00
42387    Galaxy War EIUGWAR 2 100.00
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